I'm not an American

Feeling: royal

I went for a walk. For the first time in days, the Oregon coast weather has permitted me to do so without ending up soaked or pelted with hail. I probably would've walked anyway. I wanted some egg rolls from the little market on the beach down the road and I had no gas in my car.

Anyway, I went for a walk. I got to the beach and saw a small group of people, seemingly all from the same family due to their matching baseball caps, staring up at the sky while "ooh"ing and "aah"ing.


Multiple camera flashes. There's a bald eagle flying around. Cool. Really, I mean. Bald eagles are cool. Whatever. They're big. And.. I dunno. Neat.


(knowing [or not knowing] my lack of memory of social interactions, the following conversations are obviously partially fabricated, but based on the bits I do recall.)

"Do you see it?! Isn't it WO~~Nderful?!!!"



Oops, she's talking to me.

"Yeah, they're real cool. We see them every once in a while."

"You live here? How LUCKY for yo~~~u! You must have so many nice pictures!"


*Smile and stare*

"Honestly, I really don't..." *Just stare* "...I only have my phone, which isn't any good for taking far away pictures."

"...How can you not have any pictures? These birds are such graceful and amazing and wonderful and lovable and beautiful and OMGI<3BALDEAGLES and fantastic AMERICAN icons!"


"Well, I.."

"If anything, this should be a reason you should BUY a camera!"


"I don't..."

"Did you hear this everyone?? She lives here and has no pictures of a bald eagle that's ALWAYS here!"

Seven "WHAT?!"s.




"I'm going to go get my egg rolls. And you're driving a Toyota."

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I'll do my darndest.
Only if you take pictures of them daily. Thousands and thousands of pictures!
Canada has bald eagles! Do I get to be a true American, too?