Just Your Mothers Ho!

Feeling: misunderstood
Well folks, I'm back... that vacation was shit. Not only did the place i went to suck, but it wasn't even the rightplace! I definutely took a wrong turn at Albequerky. Also, Santa won't een talk to me now because i missed our meeting because of this crap going on between Pat and Geoffery! Just kiss and make up and quit getting me involved damnit!!! I'm sick of this shit! every day it's the same old same old. Patric: "Geoffery! Give me back my ass massager!" Geoffery: "No, you fat fuck! I'm using it on my Moose testicle collection! You'll get it back in a second dick-weed!" Geez! Get over it pisswhipes!
Read 4 comments
Where in the hell do you come up with these things? Hehe, I love it!
wahaha, wtf?! I loved every second of this entry!
