The Keeper of secrets, and the Knower of Knowledge

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, Studio Z proudly brings to you, the Keeper of secrets, the Knower of Knowledge, and the Holder of all that is true. Go ahead, ask unforth your question to the all knowing Phineus Q and you shall recieve the answer of correctatude within the week. All you need to do is leave a comment with your question and it shall be answered in my next entry...
Read 6 comments
ok.... that was umm great!

just me :)
it's funny...i can't think of a single question to ask...
hmmm...ok: should i stay here in tennessee or should i go back home to NY?
What's the point of asparagus?

The Bug
Salron's eye pierces stone, metal, flesh and clothes... Are you afraid??? good embrace the fear for my jimmy jango is blooming with the corn! ~Ryan
hey hey, nice diary, hope ur ok n everythings well emmy x x
umm what is the meaning of life..
you know who!! :)