It's Beginning...

Ladies and gentlemen... Phineus is back... after a long set back at the studio, i am finally here once again, so you all may dry your tears away, then scrape them off of your crusted faces...And as for today's episode... KISS MY ASS PART 2!!!!!
Read 10 comments
That is great!!!! But I dont want to watch Kiss your ass part II! I want to see the first one!!!
ah, too true. yet i was taking paladin more in the context of holy warrior then the actual D&D class, using it more as a synonym for crusader then anything elses. hm... mabye i sould change it none the less. i suppose i could also argue he was fallen? but that wasent my original intention. okie dokie, i'll fix the discrepancy tonight when i get home from school.
awww ive been waiting so patiently to scrape my face off...! yay.
Hey!! Awesome job today! It was lots of fun! I'll be somewhat relieved when this is all over, because I'll have nights to myself again, but at the same time it makes me sad because, like you said, it's our last one, and because it was just so much fun!! :( Anyways, talk to ya later! :) ~Mrs. Potts
hey i made a new name...lovemehateme
HOLLA biotch.

It's Kyle on his new diary!
butthead, doofus, dumb boy person guy thing.
do you feel thouroughly abused?
FYI, i am not quitting drama. in the future, please disregard anything and everything that ben tells you in relation to me. apparently he told you that i was going to quit and he said you got pissed about it and so on. soo...yup, gonna go beat ben with a knife now...
and yes, i was considering dropping it next semester, but not because of my role in the play, but because i was planning on going out to kirtland. but now i'm far to excited about NMBC to drop the class:)
alright, i'm off again to find ben...
"here kitty kitty..i've got a present for! bad kitty, not peeing on the stage!" *beats ben about the head with knife* "good kitty, now go back to sleep*
Rachel the elf...what's your favorite position?