Listening to: the way 2 amarilo
Feeling: disconnected
10 random things about me
10.i dont know where my home is yet
9. i pretend to be intelegent and not shallow but really im probably just as bad as the people who i look down on
8. i have alcoholic tendencies
7. i fall for the bad boys (mostly)
6. i never do anything worthwhile
8. im scared of the real world
6. i love my life
5. i cant wait till next year
4. its pretty difficult to do this!
3. i want a newtonmore dance!
2. i am NOT a stoner no matter what people think
1. i have no idea what i want to do wi my life
9 places i have visited
9. Australia (brisbane)
8. Loch Ness (lol)
7. Edinburgh Castle
6. Durban
5. Johanesburg ~gold reef city
4. Capetown ~ ratanga junction
3. Plettenburg Bay ~ best place in the world!
2. J-Bay ~ surfers paradise
1. middle of england, exactly, to the centimetre
8 things i must do before i die (i have a ton of these, if u have seen the list u will know)
8. Have a J on every continent
7. Count to a million
6. Go to Cuba, Tobago, Jamaica, Belize etc
5. ummm i dont remember...get a camper van
4. Go with a hot black man in a white vest
3. man i have a bad memory...ooh build a bridge called "Jaura"
2. "nine"
1. sleep on the beach with a beautiful man
7 ways to win my heart over
7. be sweet
6. have initiative
5. be sexy
4. make me love myself
3. kiss it and make it better
2. be faithful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. let me know u care
6 things i do everyday
6. wash
5. brush my teeth
4. listen to music
3. txt people
2. wish it was sunny
1. eat
5 things that i am afraid of
5. snakes
4. loneliness
3. suffering
2. losing th ones i love
1. never finding my home
4 favorite things that are in my room
4. my teddy :p
3. music
2. letters
1. photos and stuff, all the crap bn my walls
3 things i believe in
3. God
2. Love
1. Independance
2 things i try not to do anymore
2. lie
1. worry
1 person i would like to see right now
1. Lou

i have alcholic tendencies
i am alot like that
random things are nice
they make me smile
i like the header pic
aussie is nice
i am going there for the summer
i get to go there off and on for the next three years
random person =)
yes i love my shoes
i have like four pairs with lyrics all over them
doodling toooo =)
my fave name
like my last bf's name was james and everyone assumed i named it after him (which would have be LAME) but i have had the diary forever and waaaay before i started dating him...so ugh...
i love the name
thanks for commenting