i wish i were a pillow queen

Feeling: fedup
yes i am jealous of you holding hands. yes i envy you being able to hug each other. of course i pity myself for feeling the way i do when i see you kiss. but it's ok. i'm patiently waiting. their's nothing more to do. nothing more to think about than him. and i can't help it. it's not that its bad but... yeah. other than that i've been a major bitch at school. too much drama and they need to save it for their momma :] serious. that's the last thing i need. when i thought i had "friends" damn i was really wrong. and those guy friends that say that they really care, i see the true you. and fuck you, you can't get into my pants. thanks for not talking to me anymore, i know who my real friends are.
Read 5 comments
Reply with your name and I might write something about you: I really do love talking to you. I think you are an awesome gal with a big A!

what song/BAND reminds me of you: Los hermanos de sangre.

who you remind me of, celebrity/animated or otherwise: A girl at a show that I would totally hang out with. *cough*

try to name a single word that best describes you: blatanly honest, brutal yet delicate.
and now for my "regular daily" comment.

oh man. ima shoot those so called friends. bam ba ma bama

by the way my gun doesn't go bam.

ahh! I'll freaking go! i can't find my friends freaking #. But I'll go anyways. crap. I guess tickets can be bought over there.
ahh cool :) that would be a pretty tight tattoo.
is the pic on the left your bf?
I don't know why we haven't talked. :/

I don't think it's gonna be sold out. but man if it is I will kill myself outside the roxy lol
gawd! hes gorgeous either way.
what a keeper he is. :)))
