to far from here

Feeling: devastated
so he's suppose to leave to VIRGINIA this sunday & i won't be seeing him for a while. knowing that, it kills me inside. until spring break, i'll have to pretend like everything's the same, as if nothing's wrong. but i'll know inside, it hurts so bad.if he only knew how much LOVE i have for him in this tiny little heart that's covered with a virus. if he could only feel what i'm feeling right now. i never meant to make him feel guilty, like all of this is his fault because it's not. i just pray to which ever god is listening that he doesn't forget that i'm still his & runs off with another. unless that makes him happy. i love you so FUCKING much. maybe we can hold hands & take background pictures with asian tourist. DDR? not wearing ponchos? it all sounds good to me. i you hayden
Read 10 comments
awww im sorry... like ur diary! -alisha
oh noes!!! is there like an emo cold going on cause recently everyone has been getting it!! :(

bahhH!!! i hate it. so like i was telling my friend..i wish i had some super power and of course that special power would be to have love ones be together foweverrrrrr :(

dsajf;lsdfkjsd! I'm so in love with you. Himsa..the cure. You are mine. I am marrying you. Right now.
fuckin' right doggy.
Lemme tell youuu what.
i love himsa!!!!!!!!!
well i'm trying dear, i'm just trying not to let it kill me anymore. because it killed me so much this week, i just think i almost literally died.
yeah well you see, i felt better and today i don't feel good again. i haven't spoken to him in days, i've tried calling him but he was busy at band practice and told me to go online in a little while. i was on for over two hours after he said he'd be on, and he never got on. he lives ten minutes away and i haven't talked to him in about a week. and when we talk. its great. hes so great. but now, i just hurt.
i'll update cuando pares de hablar con ninas pendejas!

how about that? :)
y se me hace que ya esta sufriendo con ese otro idiota con el que esta. ni crea que va venir a mi para yo la console.

and to think I didn't even have to do anything. God just does his work :)

I hope ur spanish is good and if
oh man. but en serio.... ojala que se de cuenta lo que perdio. yo solo me siento with a big smile en mi cara mientras ella llora por aquel

*sighs* buenos tiempos :)