for everytime you ask "leo am I boring you" I'm gonna tickle you!!
so I just thought of the coolest thing ever!
you going whyyyyy do i lalalaal and then you giggle!
damn. what Id do to hear that. pay you one buckeroo!!
Sounds I hope you have a good day I'm in math...yea...I'm off...
That's so cool! They never give me a discount when I get subs with no meat :[
haha, a discount? saaweeettt!! lmao, that is hawt!

...And, ummm... Vermont is on the east coast. With Boston, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and such... And it borders Canada! :P
A discount?
I wish I got discounts everytime I didn't pig out on meat...
Bye, Anette!
*walking away whistling...*
Oh, man... I don't pig out on meat ALL the time. :P I just happen to like my sandwiches with some on it. :D

And I am in some maaaaaaaaaaaad love. :) Liv is so amazing... I love her so much. I'm so marrying her. :P
Hey Need Sitdiary Icons or Need AOl icons hit me up theres much much more!
Yeah, she is my g/f. I fly out to see her, cause she lives with her grandmother in Vermont. Not too shabby, huh?
And, yes... the meat just calls to me. IT jumops into my sndwiches and everything. Damn meat... wont ever leave me alone. :D
We have been going out since... ummm, January. And yeah, flying is fun though. And yes, it's love. :) I love her sooooooo much. ANd I don't have to pay more than 40 bucks a ticket anyhow. So, it's all good! lol.

Ewwww, worm? I don't eat THAT much meat. I hardly eat really... but, yeah, I'll eat meat if it's all there is. But, I would much rather have some california rolls. :)