yupp soo people def. change wheather they realize it or not..they dont have to accept it but i honestly ive had my fun without YOU and frankly i dont give a shit about you anymore..and i dont care about the 100 guys you kiss..and the new boy you like every week..thats your choice and i dunno why i tried to even interfear. you have fun with your life cause im doooin just fine without YOU..
its sad to see that two close people dont
even recognize eachother anymore
not because they grew up
but because they grew apart
We attach ourselves so strongly to people
and when they're gone, a part
of us is gone, too.
i think the only reason why peope hold onto
memmories so tight is cause memories are the only
things that DONT CHANGE when everything else does.
people fuckiin changee but life just keeps fuckkiin goin on.
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