(15)stupid sisters!

grr...i hate my sister first she tries to convince a girl that ryker is gay because the girl was calling and 'annoying' ryker so stupid girl decided that her boyfriend was gay...so her and her friend decided to gang up and act like boys...i hate liars...oh oh oh and then she decided that she needed to go in my room to get a movie...when i told her not to go in there without permision she commented that what she was getting wasn't mine...it wasn't hers either! grr...i hate her!...~emily~
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lame! I love you cuz!
love, kir
boys are lame!!!!!
I love you.
your cute em. i love you!!!
hey. so awesome you recognised that picture from labryinth. its my favourite movie. seriously. that and dark crystal. so cool it hurts. have good day.