Listening to: my dad... sanding a door... doesnt sound nice...
note to nick is close to finish. it's about time. that nieve drama queen.
actually its like my 3rd one. i'm so indecisive.
val keeps me sane :-)
now my dad is threatening to eat my prized dark chocolate.
better go save it.
i'm a thief. i'm a liar. there's my church, i sing in the choir.
so as i see it i am drawn between two worlds. i don't know how to explain them but i know myself. and i know which one i want to be in. and i know its the one i belong in. i just don't know how to get there.
Thanks for the comment.
Moosey is a dirivative of a nickname given to me by my best friend. Moosey Lucy, or just Moose, or Mooserinaroonarah.
Yes, I have wierd friends.
Lucy x x x x x
Look. You may not be able to explain these two worlds to us, or get across everything that you are feeling to us with words (because words suck and are such a crude form of expression).This is why its hard to explain/express what I'm going to say.
Give in. Let what feels right guide you; I've done and am all the better for it. If it doesn't work, it won't hurt, will it?