Listening to: girl talk
i don't know i just need to write again.
so i just spent a long time laughing a lot with zach. he put a story in french in a google translator, it was about jewels. and the subject came out on the other end as toilets. then we looked at washington post things.
i have a debate tournament tomorrow at PC, i am hoping that i can tell the driver of our vehicle to take us to federal hill so i can get my sheet from berge.
ok so what to major in is a big thing on my mind. and now i'm thinking english is a good idea. but i don't find it to be enough, i want more. like say english, philosophy double major. english, philosophy, studio art. shrug
its driving me insane.
i keep craving really good ethnic food, or areally good salad. like the one i had at the moroccan restaurant in montreal, or a flatbread company salad.
i really want to do well in school. i'm hoping to take 3 classes over the summer, and work 2 jobs. shrug.
i like zach. and i want to get back to my room and sleep.
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