come one, come all.

i am in a really dormant state. and this should be the part where i say "whatever," except that.. i really DO care. i'm like seeing this place... g o b y . come o n e, come a l l ... into . yeah, three, two, one. lights, camera, transaction.
Read 4 comments
i just wanted to tell you that i love the layout you have for your diary. it's beautiful :)
the code is:


Just remove the two *'s and you can change the text color and the glow color
sorry.. ahhh let me try that again..


"i'm such a sucker for a sweet talker.."/TABLE>

ok.. put an arrow pointing to the left before these things


they should both be enclosed.
holy shit i give up with trying to type the code... IM me on HAYHAY28 and i'll give it to u there haha sry im a sped