Listening to: walkin the line!
i feel as though i really want to use this diary. i feel a need to cleanse myself hygenically, and by hygenically i dont mean tooth brushing, but that could be included. i feel like i need to decorate my room organize my closet and buy some new spiffy clothes. of course i come up with this right after x-mas / my birthday. but anyways, i feel that by doing this, i will help myself spiritually. or well cut all that i found a better way to say it. i want to have an organized life and i think an diary will aid me in that. of course i could have just drank a cafe au lait this afternoon and it could be a passing thing, so i might get out of this mood by tomorrow.
sorry if thats the case.
Blah, college, I'm psyched about going up to Elmira this weekend.
Maybe I should bring YOU a sticker lol
♥ Kailyn