Listening to: franz ferdinand
far too many entries lately.
well anyways.
i have no reason to be upset about anything. why should i be? i feel like i beat the system. i feel super happy. i think its because of summer. i know that everything will work out alright, and i am exactly the person i want to be. besides i have the best friends in the world :)
*so go ahead you can laugh all you want... i got my philosophy*
yeah its supposed to go up to like 95 today. so screw dress codes. short skirt, sleeveless shirt, 50s looking flip flops. i thought they said on the news it was supposed to be higher than all days combined last year. but that doesnt make sense because it would be like a million degrees. lol. i'm dumb. absent minded.
make me feel tiny if it makes you feel tall, oh cuz theres always someone cooler than you