Sorting through some things.

Listening to: None - i\'m a poser
Feeling: positive
"so you dont like my hair!" - First of all.. I did not even say that, somebody else did while I was sitting there. "tell it to my face cuz i dont like you!" - OK well.. thats your choice. "you honestly have problems" - ? can you list them for me because i'm interested.. "i appologized to you a long time ago..mmhh your a real christian(forgive and forget!)" - Yea.. dissing my christianity. Thanks. And being a christian is not "forgiving and forgetting". "yeaha well i did shit to you! " - Huh? I don't understand that? You did something to me? "and no to be rude even thought i should.. but you sayng i TRY TO BE EMO when really your the fucing poser" - Yea another thing, I never said you TRY to be emo. I don't know how i'm a poser.. "and noe shit about the music! people have been noticing that" - I don't claim to know ANYTHING about music! People have been noticing what? I don't talk about music..because i have nothing to talk about. Is it because I like all diffrent kinds of music? If it is... that's kinda gay. "wanna be frends cool ..or not cool dunt care n e more!" - Ok... "your being really imature about somethng i have no clue i did." - well..if you want to talk about this anymore, please dont just sign my diary and talk shit. IM me at least or call me up and yell at me. ~Jessica*~
Read 6 comments
i love u... karissa
if none on that is true then you have bad friends... i m me .. you noe my sn
ok well i dont beleive this whole rita business because lil miss jessica is one of the nicest human beings i have ever met...i dont see you talking shit on anyway, but thats just what i think..anyway, i cant wait for the oc tonight!!! ill call you later so we can HOPEFULLY watch it together, even though apparently your mom doenst trust me...anyway...~heart~
Hey kid. I was at your game today. Remeber? When you got kicked out? Ya it was fun. I miss hanging out with you. I'm sure we will again soon.
hey!!! i havent talked to you in a while. we havent even hung out in a while. we gots to do that some day.

well hey again. you gots to go to my bands show. its on the 23rd. its a friday so i hope you can go. just leave me a comment if you want to go.