Ive been a Busy Bee..

Listening to: Watching Everwood..
Feeling: exasperated
Hey.. Gosh I have not updated in forever! I have been pretty busy. Last weekend I went to Santa Barbra for a waterpolo tournament. We placed 11th out of like 20 so that was pretty good. Yesterday was Winterformal. It was pretty fun. A lot of people complimented me on my dress. I was scared that it would not to formal enough because I got it at Forever 21 for like 20 dollars. I spent more on the strapless bra I wore with it. Later we went to Mickey's house and hung out with some of the Corona Crew. haha. BTC- Bow Tie Crew.. thats what they were calling matt and justin because they were wearing bow ties. Everyone liked the Bow Ties. But the Corona guys are pretty cool. Lots of Drama in Everwood lately. Amy is physco. OMG and the OC, that is getting heavy too! The last episode was sooo good! Annnnd Alias is tonight. I love that show. I have no life. Today I slept alll day. All the girls spent the night at my house. We slept in until 11:30ish and then we ordered pizza, Ate the pizza, watched HOLES, and then everyone left. After holes I watched Patriot Games. Then I slept again. Then my brother was trying to beat me up unsuccessfully for like 2 hours. We stopped "playing" when I hurt him. Then I went back to bed for another 2 or 3 hours. And now I am here. Finals are over! Ohh my I did not think I would stess over them but I did. First Semester over!! Woot Woot... One more to go, and then 2 more years. gosh.. I am still burnt from the tanning salon. Only in a few places though. I look really tan in the face, shoulders, back, and legs. But my stomach, chest, and butt are still pretty red. Oh well Ill be tan all over soon. Ok well I'm gunna start updating regularly again. ~Jessica*~ p.s. The cheesy dots from Pizza Hut are soo good! You should definitly order them. A box of them are 99 cents for a limited time only so Hurry!
Read 7 comments
haha yeah i do have a hot purple couch :-D


Well i thank you o so much for coming to our show. You are deffinatly gonna have to go to the rest of them. We should hang out sometime. its been a while since we have done that.

Jessica, i havent talked to you in forever. how are you doing. still HOT! just remeber the star constalations.lol
hope to see you around. call me sometime 381-7383 love garret
guess what im coming to your game on tuesday...so are some other guys..its gonna be totally cool...1..2..3..i love you...~kevin~
there are many things that i would like to say to you but i don't know how. because maybe...
if you were robbing a bank, and your pants happend to fall down, i think it would be ok to laugh and let all the hosteges laugh too, because, cmon, life is funny.
JESSICA!!! its laurel! i didnt know you had a diary! wow cool. i'm kind of sad that you didn't write about our drunken night because it was way fun and deserves to be in print. good times. i have some funny pictures of you. teehee. i love you!