
Listening to: Nothing
Feeling: curious
Have you ever been in the situation where you are talking to your friends (of the opposite sex or of the same) and they say something that could be very near the truth )in a bad way) and they try to play it off as a joke?? And you can't really make up your mind if they were serious or not so you think about it and it bugs you all day? Yeah I thought so. Take me for example. I'm walking and talking.. and then one friend asks.. why don't you sit together.. he replys.. because she really isn't that interesting. Hummm... "Just Kidding, Just Kidding" Hummm... Normally something like this wouldn't bother me, or should I say, anything else BUT this wouldn't bother me. You see I have wondered, in the past, that maybe the reason I can't seem to hold down a boyfriend is because I am not an interesting person.. that maybe it's a little too easy to get bored of me. So with a little comment like this I can't help but analyze if the heart of it is true. If it is.. I sure would like to know. I don't think that I am a boring or uninteresting person. I keep myself entertained at least.. Ai Papi... I'm just going to ignore.. All I can do I guess.. is wish that when my "prince charming" comes along.. he will be reallly interesting. (to make up for the incredible lack of mine.) ~Jessica*~
Read 6 comments
i think you're very interesting. and i love your background.

jess, you read my mind. friday night is no good because i have SATs on saturday morning. ...but saturday night can be all yours. lets get trashed because we're in love.
what the deal jessica. what the fuckin deal.

how dare you say that about yourself.

ill have you know, even though we dont really hang out, your one of the coolest canyon kids i know. and hell, i know alot of canyon kids.
yea i know but fuck life isent really that great and u know i found some one who cares so im ok for now. how old r u. dodu have Myspace?
fucking morons. if u werent interesting, you wouldnt have friends, and u have a damn lot of those. i know~ i am one :) i <3 u jess- <3 britt
hello. just randomed your diary. anyway, just thought i'd say... any guy who doesn't think you're interesting is not worth going out with!
love romina.