What a Spectacular night..

Feeling: feisty
Hello! I woke up in the middle of the night freezing cold, and I had to wonder around Meccas house looking for a blanket. I found one in the garage, when I got back to the couch I couldnt fall asleep because I was thnking of people coming into the house and killing us. Im reading a new book.. Along Came A Spider. Creepy ass book! Im going to a wedding today. Someone from my church. She got pregnant so she is getting married now. I dont know that would kinda suck, especially if you arent ready to start that part of your life. Save the V. Battle of the Bands was great! We all knew Ringside was going to win. They did really well. I was impressed with the new songs. After battle of the bands we all piled into Matt A.'s car. 9* people in a 2 door 5 seater. Yea we were fogging up those windows... Then we all went to Meccas house and ate pizza and watched the goonies. Matt and Brett had to leave earlier then Dan and Hunter. They hung around for a while more. :) Ive never seen the goonies before. It was awwsome! I especially like where i was sitting.. After the boys left... we all went into the Spa Mecca got in her backyard. We all just sat there and talked about boys and such. You know the usually conversation at a girly sleepover. Katie came over this morning. I need to take some more pictures in my room becayse my walls are green and the pictue would look good on this. In that picture up there.. I had just gotten out of the shower. ok im gunna go talk about nothing with my favorite girls. ~Jessica*~
Read 4 comments
hey jessica.. its jackie
-acalmgoodbye ill tlak to you later.
hey love i think it was 10 of us wasnt it? ok: me, you, nadia, lauren, brittany,matt, dan, hunter, brett. ok nine. edit that.
so what exactly happened after i left hmmm??? haha did you check "number one" off your list?! hope so lover bunny. muahhh
awwe im gald to.. we need to reunit and talk abvout missed stuff lol
and eat mac and cheese!
well im glad you had fun last night and yes we all knew they were ganna win!

thanks for the comment, you are very attractive, if u don't mind me saying