Listening to: Kanye West - Spaceship
Feeling: invincible
LiFe iS So BoRiNG RiGHT NoW...
really i'm just bored of everything.. and i want the summer to be here NOW.. so i can go crazy cuz it'll be more fun then. i hate school more than i ever have before.
well kristen got out of jail.. but more importantly SS did too! i can't believe he was gone for 6 months.. it really doesn't seem that long ago, but i know it is. damn i'm SOOO happy he's out.. he's my boy. :)
but justin just got four felonies.. so he's going to be facing a lot of shit. why do all of my best friends go to jail? as long as my boyfriend doesn't... god i would DIE if that happened again..
yea me and danny are good.. as far as i know.. i mean we were fighting a lot but he was just starting to be too controlling.. but i still love him.. very very very much.
katie's scaring me right now.. she dropped out of college and now she's doing so many weird drugs i can't keep up with them. she loses every job she gets. i just don't want her to end up like all our loser friends whose lives consist of getting wasted... and that's it.
and i'm paranoid right now... cuz i made up some huge lie to my teacher today.. oh well.. i wish i didn't care so much about this shit.
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