Sassy Girl

Listening to: Fletcher Bridge
Feeling: sane
Sorry I didn't post last night, guys! I went to Captain Sam's and had dinner, and I was watching Fletcher Bridge and having a great time! (The lead singer is way hot!) Until Lee (my mom's boyfriend) called my phone to tell us that one of our dogs, Sassy, died! :( So we left early of course and came home and I'm still upset about it! I just went in my room and cried forever, 'til I talked to Ivan and he said he was gonna come get me and we were gonna go do something, just to get things off my mind. So him, Lindsey, and I went to get something to eat, then we rode out to look at his horses and just rode around for a lil' while, 'til he brought me home. I had a good time, but I'm still sad about my dog. It's hard, ya know? 'Cause they become part of the family! :( I miss you, girl! R.I.P. Sassy... :( 1992 - 2004
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