
I'm just sitting here, waiting on April to finish getting ready and come pick me up! Then we're off to CVS to pick up my pictures and then going to Mossy Creek to watch Fletcher Bridge!! I'm so excited! I love these boys! They can totally rock out!! Then if I can find I ride, I'm going to stay up at Ivan's and tomorrow morning Jordan's taking me to DMV to HOPEFULLY get my license FINALLY! *Let's pray!* Then tomorrow night, we're going to the rodeo with Ivan's family and Sunday we're going to my Christmas party for work at the Clocktower! Should be an exciting weekend, I can't wait to get it started!!! "There is nothing scarier than getting what you want because that's when you really have something to lose." - The OC "It's just something that happens as you grow up, you realize it's less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones." - Laguna Beach xoxo
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hey cool diary, how do you get backrounds?
email me pleeze at THANK YOU!!!