
I'm getting a puppy!! One of Ivan's parents' dogs had puppies and the one I'm getting is a little yellow beagle with blue eyes and I named him Rascal! :) He's SO tiny and CUTE! But I can't get him for like, 3 weeks until he's weined from his mom and he's staying at Ivan's 'cause mom won't let me have another dog at home. After we left Ivan's parents house from picking out my puppy, we were walking down Ivan's driveway and I fell and sprained my ankle. Ivan wrapped it up in an ace bandage and it was straight last night, didn't bother me too bad. So then we went out to Darrell's at JMU and THREW DOWN! :) I had a GREAT time! I got REALLY shit-faced! Haha, good times, good times... I was having a great time at D's, getting along with everyone, and then this bitch that I've never even seen before in my life drinks my liquor out of the freezer. So I'm going off about it and she comes over and appologizes saying "My friend's brother lives here, we come here every weekend!" And I say "Okay, so that doesn't give you the right to just go in the freezer and drink the liquor you see, not knowing who's it is." And she said "Yeah, sorry." And I say "Yeah, just ask next time!" And she walks away, but as she's walking away, she flicks me off... so I run after her ass after getting away from Ivan 'cause he was trying to hold me back, and I grab her by her hair and punch her in the back of the head. She turns around and sees me and just keeps walking. Then, I'm back inside, just chilling with Ivan, and she has the nerve to come back up in the fucking party. This pissed me off BAD so I went after her ass again after getting away from Ivan and punched her twice in the mouth and am fuckin' throwing some punches 'til some guy I don't even know grabs me and is holding me back so I'm trying to fight him, lol. Then Ivan came and got me and was like, "CALM DOWN!" So she left and I was straight the rest of the night, lol. So anyway, I had a good night last night! And whoever that bitch was... feel sorry for her! :) lol!! ..... I didn't sleep at ALL last night because my ankle was hurting SO bad! I tossed and turned all damn night 'cause it just kept throbbing. So this morning after I came home, I had my grandma take me up to the ER and they said it's a severe sprain and put it in an air-cast. I don't have to work tomorrow because of it! I feel kinda bad though because they don't have anyone else who can work my shift! :( Oh well!
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maybe this will?

you weedy half-faced strumpet