Another Survey

10 bands you've been listening a lot to lately 01 - Good Charlotte 02 - Fletcher Bridge 03 - Lynyrd Skynyrd 04 - Pink Floyd 05 - Aerosmith 06 - Led Zeppelin 07 - Linkin Park 08 - New Found Glory 09 - Simple Plan 10 - Nickelback 9 things you look forward to 1 - Chad coming out of the coma, SOON! 2 - winter (snow!) 3 - college 4 - getting married 5 - having my own house 6 - having kids 7 - never losing touch with my best friends 8 - being a high school English teacher 9 - staying close with my family 8 things you like to wear 1 - flip-flops 2 - jeans 3 - Timberland boots 4 - hoodies 5 - hoop earrings 6 - bikinis 7 - cute belly button rings 8 - beanies 7 things that annoy you 1 - closeminded people 2 - ditzy girls 3 - people who judge you before they know you 4 - being broke 5 - spoiled kids 6 - being stuck at home because of the weather 7 - having to go to court 6 things you say most days 1 - hey! 2 - lol 3 - fuck you 4 - dumb bitch 5 - for real? 6 - y'all 5 things you do everyday 1 - shower 2 - talk on the phone 3 - eat 4 - listen to music 5 - ride around with one of my friends 4 people you want to spend more time with 1 - Lexie 2 - Bailey 3 - Brandon (my little cousin) 4 - Carrie 3 movies you could watch over and over again 1 - The Outsiders 2 - The Fast and The Furious 3 - Crazy/Beautiful 2 of your favorite songs at the moment 1 - Good Charlotte - Emotionless 2 - Tim McGraw - Don't Take The Girl 1 person you could spend the rest of your life with 1 - I'm not real sure...
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