.:. Dedicated! .:.

Well, my baby left to go fishing in Nag's Head for the weekend last night and I'm missing him already! I guess I'm not gonna be able to talk to him all weekend, 'cause I'm assuming he doesn't have service down there. I talked to him on his way down last night and he was supposed to call me when he got there, and I haven't heard anything, so I'm trying not to worry! Thursday, April and I went to see our friend Chad who was in a coma and just got out of the hospital about two weeks ago. He's making SO much progress! Mentally, he's back to normal and he can almost walk by himself, he just needs a little bit of help. His mom and dad were so happy to see me because I hadn't been up there to see him since Ashlyn moved to Ohio and they didn't have my new number, they said they had called my old one to try to get in touch with me though. I worked a double yesterday, I opened the Steakhouse at 10 AM and worked straight through until 11:30 PM without a break! I'm so exhausted still and my ankle is killing me from being on it all damn day! But enough complaining... I'm trying to change the layout of this damn thing but it absolutely will NOT let me upload a background, I don't know what the hell's wrong with it, but it's starting to make me mad... haha, oh well, I'll figure it out! The puppy in my new top left pic looks like Rascal, the puppy Ivan and I are getting! :) I'm babysitting tonight for one of the girls I work with. Her daughter's 9 and she said she just likes to play her gameboy and watch tv, so we should have fun... haha, but I think I'm gonna go clean my room now! Wow, this will probably take a good while! Post later... (I miss him!) xoxo
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