Couldn't Sleep

Feeling: awake
I couldn't sleep worth shit last night, probably because I've stayed up at Ivan's for the last two weeks almost so I've got used to sleeping with him and I wasn't with him last night! :( But anyway, I had a pretty good weekend! I stayed at Ivan's Friday night and we chilled up there Saturday. Then we came down to my house Saturday so I could take a shower and get ready and we took my grandma out to eat at Texas Steakhouse. Then we came back to my house and just layed around and watched scary movies 'til my brother got home, then Ivan, my mom, my aunt, my brother, and I went to the haunted house up on the mountain. It freaked me out, I was screaming the ENTIRE time and almost crying! Ivan was laughing at me the whole time and my mom was yelling at me to shut up the whole time! lol! Then we stayed at Ivan's that night and just chilled there and watched football Sunday 'til I went to see my Papa, then came home, cleaned up my room and rearranged it! :) Now it's Monday morning and I'm getting ready to go to work! Have a good day everyone!
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