
Name: Terin Birthday: April 27 Age: 18 Sign: Taurus Hair color: dark brown Eye color: dark brown Height: 5'5 Do you wear Glasses or Contacts: yeah, contacts Are you a Girl or Guy: girl Do you go to school: nope What school do you go to: What grade are you in: Do you play any sports: I cheerleaded in high school Where were you born: C'ville, VA Who do you live with: my mom Do you have any brothers or sisters: 2 brothers, 1 sister What is there name: Jacob, Zachery, and Kelsey Do you have any pets: yeah What kinds: 2 dogs now, and 1 cat What are their names: Midnight and Sammy (R.I.P. Sassy) and Rainforest What grade school did u go too: Westwood Hills What Jr. High did you go to: Kate Collins Have you ever moved: yeah ~*~Friends~*~ Do you have bestfriends: yeah Who are they: April, Lindsey, and Crystal Which one of your friends family's do you know the best: probably Lindsey's ~*~FAVORITES~*~ Color: pink State: it'd probably be Cali if I had ever been there! Shampoo: some expensive shit from the Hair Cuttery Conditioner: same Soap: Irish Spring Place: my bed Food: pastas Drink: Mountain Dew Person: I dunno Family member: my cousin, Carrie Flower: roses Candy: gummi bears Actor: Paul Walker Actress: Sarah Michelle Gellar Movie: The Outsiders, Crazy/Beautiful, The Fast and The Furious, Sid and Nancy, Empire Records, etc... Tv Show: The OC, Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill, American Idol, 7th Heaven, etc... Band: Good Charlotte, Guns 'N Roses, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Sublime, etc... Website: I dunno Gum: Big Red Toothpaste: Crest, I think? Insect: ew, none! Teacher: Mrs. Galenis and Mr. Booth Grade: 12th ~*~HAVE YOU EVER~*~ Climbed a mountain: no Been camping: yeah Stayed home just cause: yeah Went skydiving: no ~*~ WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU...~*~ Cried: last night, 'cause my dog died! :( Laughed: last night with Ivan and Lindsey 'cause they cheered me up! Danced: I dunno Kissed someone: about a week ago Hugged someone: last night Swam: it's been awhile Showered: yesterday, getting ready to now though Ate: last night Bought something: last night, food
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you can go to and sign up.. it only takes a sec u give them ur email and then click the link they send u.. then u can sure by the singer or the song.. and it ask u if u want it to play once or over and over once u click that they give u a code and you copy it and paste it in ur prefencese under header info then click update! i kno it sounds hard but it's not haha..
i ment search not sure haha.. and sry it's up twice my comp had a breakdown or something lol
np!! glad I could help =]