Not Too Painful!

So I got my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday morning, and it honestly wasn't too bad! I started crying right before they put me to sleep because I was scared I wasn't going to wake up! But after they stuck the needle in my arm, I don't remember a single thing that happened! I just remember my mom waking me up in the recovery room and then don't even remember walking to the car. lol. The doctor told mom I should go straight home and go to bed because the medicine would probably leave me knocked out all day, but I was wide awake! We went by my Papa's in Crozet for a minute, stopped at Dairy Queen so I could get a milkshake, went by my work to pick up my check, went to meet my aunt at this house she's looking at to rent, went to Wal-mart and I bought Elf and mom bought me the OC Season 1 DVD set for Christmas, then we went to Augusta Co-Op, then I got home and Ivan was here waiting on me so we laye down and watched Elf. That movie is hilarious, I saw it in the theater and couldn't wait for it to come out on DVD! The Jordan came by and her, Ivan, and I watched some old videos of when I was in my 3rd grade Christmas program and when Kenny and TJ were in their's. And then we found a video tape of me when I was like, 12 singing to the camera, it was WAY embarrassing! lol! Then they left and I talked mom into letting me watch some of the OC DVD set, so I stayed up 'til 4 this morning watching my favorite show EVER! :) But now I'm just sitting here at home doing a whole lot of nothing 'cause mom called into work last night for me because she didn't want me working because of the medication and the doctor said I probably shouldn't work tomorrow either. Oh well, I could use the break! :) xoxo
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I once thought I was gunna have to have my wisdom tooth pulled out. But in the end I had it capped with gold. Now its mighty cool and I like making people jealous :P.
I know I couldnt have lived with my teeth being pulled out anyway.

Yikes.. FreeeeeakY!!!!!!!!!!I dont wanna get mine out. Sounds scary.