Babysitting... Again!

I finally got to talk to Ivan last night! :) That definitely made my weekend! :) Gosh, even though he may do some retarded shit sometimes, I still love him SO much and could never bring myself to leave him because of it! I watched Debbie's little girl Alicia last night and she taught me how to play a card game, Skip-Bo, so we pretty much played that all night, then watched the Babysitter's Club movie. Crystal came over and chilled with us for a pretty long while, it was good to just hang out with her and talk 'cause I haven't for a while and I started to miss her! :( lol I'm babysitting for my mom's friends tonight while my mom and them go out to eat and have a couple drinks, but I'm gonna tell them it can NOT be late because I have to work in the morning! Yeah right, like they'll listen to me! Anyway, post later... xoxo *New layout... whatcha think? Comment and let me know!*
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