Christmas Party

I had a BLAST at the rodeo Saturday night! :) The PBR Champion, Mike Lee, was there and he won first place! It was so much fun though! :) Then we had our Christmas party for work last night at the Clocktower in Staunton and lemme tell ya, I got WASTED!! Tiffany's boyfriend, Dylan, bought me an Easy Lay, then Nina came up to me and said "Here, take a shot with me!" So I did, then my old boss, Chuck, bought me a Fuzzy Navel, then I bought myself a shot of Wild Turkey and I was screwed!! Kenny came and picked us up because there were mad cops everywhere and on the way home, I had to have him pull over on the side of the interstate so I could puke. Then I puked in Ivan's driveway when we got home and he had to carry me inside, put me in bed, undress me, and redress me. lol! He must really love me... haha! :) But anyway, I had a really good time! :) xoxo
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