
Five Bands/Artists/Groups You've been listening Lately(in no particular order): 1. Fletcher Bridge 2. Good Charlotte 3. Gretchen Wilson 4. Kenny Chesney 5. Eminem Top Five Locations I'd Like To Run Away To: 1. California 2. Hawaii 3. Bahamas 4. The Carribean 5. Florida 01. Name: Terin 02. Gender: Female 03. AKA: T-Beam 04. Zodiac Sign: Taurus 05. Birth date: April 27, '86 06. Height: 5'5 .Favorites. 07. Color: Pink 08. Color to Wear: Pink 09. Number: 27 10. Piece of clothing: Hoodies 11. Quote: "I want to go back to believing in everything and knowing nothing at all." .Random. 12. How many people have you slept with: that's for only me to know 13. Do you have b/f or g/f: yeah 14. Sexuality: Straight 15. Your sexiest feature: my eyes 16. A place you want to have sex: on the beach 17. Kinky things you like: that's for me and Ivan to know ;) 18. A sexual fantasy: again, that's for me and Ivan to know ;) 19. A fragrance that makes you think of sex: I dunno 20. Largest age difference between you and a partner: 5 years 21. The best lover you've been with: Ivan!! .Last Time You. 23. Danced: last night at Mossy Creek 24. Smiled: last night 25. Laughed: last night 26. Had a phone call: this morning 27. Who was it: Ivan .Which Is Better. 28. Sunrise or Sunset?: sunset 32. Coke or Pepsi?: Pepsi 34. Yesterday or Tomorrow?: tomorrow 35. Red or Blue?: blue 40. Black or White?: white 41. Ocean or Forest?: ocean 42. Dogs or Cats?: dogs 43. Day or Night?: Night 44. Cremation or Burial?: Burial 45. Even or Odd?: even 46. City or Countryside?: Countryside 47. Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate 49. Pen or Pencil?: Pen 50. Summer or Winter?: summer 51. Destiny or Choice?: Destiny 52. Alone or Together?: Together 53. Silver or Gold?: silver yes or no 54. You keep a diary: yes 55. You sketch or do things while on the phone: yes 56. You have a secret: yes 58. You procrastinate: yes 59. You fold your underwear: no 60. You talk in your sleep: yes, sometimes 61. You eat fast: yes 62. You get horny: yes, who doesn't? 63. A naked photo of you exists: no 64. When the alarm goes off you immediately get up: yes 65. You enjoy being photographed: yes .The Basics. 66. Birthstone: diamond 68. Right or Left Handed: Right 69. Glasses, contacts, or neither: both, but usually wear the contacts 70. Spouse or significant other: Ivan :) 71. Parents married, divorced, or other: never were married 72. Hobbies: computer, shopping, time with Ivan, working, lol 73. Eating Habits: probably really bad for me, a lot of fast food 75. Favorite non-alcoholic beverage: Mountain Dew 76. Favorite meal: macaroni and cheese 77. Favorite vegetables: broccoli with cheese 78. Favorite junk food: Martin's potato chips 79. Favorite candy: gummi bears 80. Favorite dessert: pumpkin pie 81. Favorite cookie: chocolate chip with m&m's 82. Favorite ice cream: chocolate chip cookie dough .Hygiene Habits. 83. Shampoo used: Treseme 84. Conditioner used: Treseme 85. Styling products used: Treseme mousse and hair spray 86. Makeup: CoverGirl stuff 87. Deodorant brand and scent: Lady Stick or something? 88. Favorite perfume/cologne fragrance: perfume - CK Eternity, cologne - Nautica 89. Nail polish: not usually, unless I get my nails done 90. If yes, favorite color: pink 91. Do you sing: I can't, but I try! 92. If so, what do you sing: songs on the radio 93. Dress Habits: don't know? 94. Driving Habits: don't drive 95. Something hanging from the rearview mirror: 97. Radio or tape playing while driving: 98. Do you sing along: .Miscellaneous. 99. What's on your answering machine: "Hey y'all, you've reached Terin's cell phone, sorry I missed your call, but leave a message and I'll call you back. Thanks!" 100. What is the coolest gift you've ever received: my diamond ring from Ivan! 101. What's the coolest gift you've given: I dunno 102. Have you received flowers in the past year: yeah 103. Assuming you have one, what's sitting on your computer monitor or in your work area: nothing 104. About how many books do you own: um, 15 or 20? 105. About how many of those have you read: all of them 106. Do you collect anything: clowns 107. Do you own a calendar or date book: yeah 108. When you're jotting down notes, do you print or write (cursive): print 109. When you doodle, what do you draw: hearts or spirals
Read 3 comments
yea. its heroin bob and his girlfriend trish
hey thanx yes good charlotte is freaking awesome, theyre the best haha, wow i love your site! its so cool
awwwy u guys are such cuties lol and thanks ur realllie prettty too ilike ur diary the ocean woop woop palm trees lol