~*~ Why I Love Him ~*~

Listening to: Pitbull - 305 Anthem
Feeling: amazed
So I'm way bored again and decided to make a list of reasons I love Ivan ... lol, bare with me, boredom has got the best of me... .x. his abs .x. his muscles .x. his tattoo (didn't like it at first, but I like it now!) .x. his eyes .x. how he's always willing to do anything for me .x. he spoils me .x. he's always offering me money, although I don't always take it! .x. he never lets me pay for anything and if I do, he pays me back .x. he has his own place .x. he's great in bed ;) .x. he thinks I'm beautiful .x. he wants to eventually marry me and start a family together .x. he let me get a puppy! .x. he loves all my imperfections .x. he just smiles when I do or say something stupid, he doesn't make a big deal of it .x. he lets me yell at him without yelling back .x. my hand always fits perfectly in his .x. when we're sleeping, he's either holding me or always touching me in some way .x. his "good-morning" kisses .x. I always feel safe when I'm in his arms .x. he loves me more than life itself, as he's always telling me .x. I JUST LOVE HIM!!
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