Gonna Be A Long Day!

My head was KILLING me yesterday morning, so I wore my glasses all day thinking maybe my head was hurting because I don't change my contacts like I should. But no, don't guess that was it because by the time I got home from work yesterday my head was hurting so bad I was almost in tears. I came home and went straight to bed until Ivan got here. He brought me some Ibuprofen and we just layed in my bed and watched Sling Blade (such a good movie!) and ate dinner. That's pretty much all I did last night, was lay around 'cause I felt like shit! I have to work a double today at work, 10-4 and then 4-volume. But I'll be the first one phased as soon as we get off the wait tonight since I'm working a double. I know I'm gonna be exhausted as hell though! I'm just gonna sleep all day tomorrow while Ivan's hunting to get caught up on my sleep and get energized for Darrell's party tomorrow night. I can't wait! I haven't partied down at his dorm at JMU in SO long! All the regulars will be there and it should just be MAD fun! :-D I'll take lots of pics and be sure to add 'em to my album! :) (http://public.fotki.com/TBeam27/) Post later... have a good day everyone! :)
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