Things That Make Me Smile

So I'm REALLY bored and decided to make a list of things that make me SMILE! .x. good music .x. bad ass guitar players .x. '98 Jettas .x. '67 and '69 Mustangs .x. concerts .x. tattoos .x. piercings .x. old/comfy/worn-out clothes .x. love songs .x. old rock 'n roll .x. rednecks/cowboys .x. cowboy hats .x. big trucks .x. dolphins .x. butterflies .x. angels .x. fairies .x. french vanilla coffee .x. Nelson County and Batesville .x. big muscles and nice abs on guys .x. real hippies .x. real punks .x. rollercoasters .x. scary movies .x. romantic movies .x. Dippin' Dots .x. summer .x. accents (NY, Austrailian, and British) .x. money .x. the beach .x. free stuff .x. the East Coast .x. roses .x. art .x. poetry .x. dreads (clean ones) .x. hugs and kisses .x. being lazy .x. sleeping in .x. when a guy's veins pop out on his arms .x. being sung to .x. receiving roses .x. having a song dedicated to me .x. shopping .x. chocolate .x. hoodies .x. Nautica cologne on guys .x. drummers .x. Oodles 'N Noodles .x. the night life .x. Taco Bell .x. Buffy the Vampire Slayer .x. the color pink .x. the country .x. the Care Bears .x. snow .x. long, deep conversations .x. the sound of rain on a tin roof .x. Love Spell by Victoria's Secret .x. watching my little cousins grow up .x. feeling loved .x. the sound of gravel driving down a gravel road .x. One Tree Hill .x. being in love .x. American Idol .x. hearing my favorite song on the radio .x. Good Charlotte .x. bubble baths .x. midnight phone calls that last for hours .x. being told I'm beautiful .x. laughing with my friends so much that it hurts or we start to cry .x. warm towels right out of the dryer .x. The O.C. .x. Ivan! .x. knowing I can count on someone for the rest of my life .x. my family .x. my friends .x. Midnight (my dog) .x. comments left on my journal xoxo
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