Fishing Trip

I stayed up at Ivan's last night, got to see my puppy! :) But he told me he's going down to Nag's Head for the weekend to go fishing with his dad and his dad's friends. I'm gonna be SO bored this weekend, dammit! :( Hayley wants me to work for her again this Friday night, so I'll probably do that now since I won't have anything else to do, might as well be making money! My uncle's coming in from Bedford County for the weekend though, and I haven't seen him in a while, so I'd like to do that! :)
Read 2 comments
aww u got the cutest diary!
and thas funny we got the same "leave a comment" saying or w/e which is:
make me smile
hmm well ttyl
that stinks :( I'll leave you comments lol :D I voted for Kerry but he didn't win and that pisses me off! aurrrrr! well ttyl :)

x3 stace