
Feeling: crummy
Finally..yes finally. Jay and I are friends again and all this shiiiit is done and over with. I'm so happy, just about this. I'm sick, I have a cold. It sucks. I'm still feeling sad, and I don't know why. I just wish it would all go away. I hate pretending..blah. I want to go shopping, and by shopping I mean thrifting. I only have 10 bucks..which will do for a good thrift store. The only thing is, my mother won't effing drive me to London. The thrift stores here can lick my middle nut [ even though I don't have a middle nut, or nuts at all. I am a proud owner of a vagina..yes ]. I NEED A RIDE! I NEED TO TURN 16..FAST! mother effer, I hate this. I can't wait until I move to London, out of this shitty town. roar. Good day <3jami.
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