what'd ya know!?

Listening to: cat power - he war
Feeling: used
Love that song. But anyways. Stupid fuckers, what a fucking disappointment eh? Bush..winning..honestly. What the hell is wrong with that? ALOT OF SHIT!!!! Kerry let ALOT of people down. I am so upset. Bush..pfft. When I found out, I was in effing shock. Wonder whats going to happen next..? The worst.. Good day.
Read 3 comments
How exactly did Kerry let people down by not winning? It was the people that decided, in the end, as the majority vote won.

Oh, sorry, the comment below was [loucille].

Dont love you, never will! Bush kicks ass and will destry terriorism, not like donky face, democrap kerry. yea id like to see a country run by that fag, HAHA, we'd die