nose bleed

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: happy
I'm so happy for Jay, she is now going out with this boy she has liked for over a year now. More love, then like. So cute. I'm actually jealous..again. I'm jealous of everyone who is with someone. Today...haha oh em drama, the boy I like came in to my drama room, I was like "what the hell..?". He came in with his class, then I realize we're doing a play with his I got really nervous, cause I don't think he recognizes me from when we we're "dating" cause of my haircut..yes, well I got nervous a few seconds nose starts to bleed!! HAHA! Oh man...I felt like such a dweeb, my nose bled cause I was nervous! HA! Good day.
Read 3 comments
yes its great.

i like the artsy fartsy-ness of it.

even though it was alot of following the back of their heads.

hmmm but so many hot guys. thats just me being shallow.

it kinda sucked that alex was shooting people cuz at the beginning when he was in the lunch room looking around me and my friend were like aww hes so cute..and so innocent looking..we should take advantage of him..but NOOO he had to go all psycho.

yep alex. the killer. i was like wtf did you kill the blonde guy..hello he helped you. then i was like damn he really is super fucked up. i wanted to know if he was going to kill the guy or the girl...and you know there was a door in the cafeteria that led outside but instead they chose to go to the freezers..thats just suicide. now im like super afraid of being shot. cuz i wasnt expecting him to be the shooter...he was innocent. elias, hottness
it never showed if he got shot but i assume he did. that weird girl, michelle, god she had some wild hair and i cracked up every time she ran. she looked like a cave woman. oh well. too bad she died. you dont tell ppl with guys that they cant have a gun in the library. der they are going to kill you. and antagonizing the guy with the gun isnt all that good either. i mean the red sweater guy was like you stupid fucker..thats just asking to be shot