eff him..

Feeling: magical
Mikes an asshole. I was in such a happy mood yesterday, probably the happiest I'll be in a while, then he starts blaming everything on me. Getting all pissy and he said I changed the story around ,no he did. All I said was Alisha and I were going to do something and he was like well I might call her for a coffee and I said that her and I were doing something though and I'm like you know Alisha will break plans with me, to go for a coffee before work, she wont want to go right before and he starts spazzing! and then I'm like just fuck off then hes like ya thats right, cause you know I'm right. That effing pissed me off soo much. I told him not to talk to me, not to call me, not to come over, just dont keep in contact with me for awhile. And then he was being an asshole and I'm like Mike you dont know what its like to never see your best friend anymore, and then I said well now you will. And I blocked him. I was crying so much..nothing ever works out for me. Well I'm off..good day.
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wow that is really rough. im sorry that happened to you. something like that happened to me before. dont worry it will pass and it will be over with. you may talk to him in the end or you may not....but whatever the outcome, it happened for a reason. so dont fret over it and just keep living each day to the fullest and be nothing but happy about the good things in your life. alright enough of me talking lol. hope it gets better for you.
