
today i thought of something funny that i think at one point you would have laughed at also and if it were those days where we couldn't go an hour without talking i would have called you in a heartbeat and shared what i thought of and why it reminded me of you and you would have chuckled that deep chuckle and i would have imagined that twinkle in your eye that i couldn't stop staring at when we were together in person and i would have felt so warm and complete and full. i'd say i had to go find the cat or check the water boiling on the stove or study for lectures and you would say "but do you have to go now, right now?" and i would smile because that's what you'd say anytime i had to get off the phone or climb out of bed or say goodbye on my front porch and we'd battle back and forth for a few minutes until we'd end the conversation sending each other our love, counting the hours until we'd get to spend time together that weekend and i'd hang up the phone wondering how i was so lucky.

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