
wow i was so freaked out but its ok my grandpa is fine n like it wasnt the one im really close with but still it would have been horrible. my dad went to see him in the hospital yesterday n i feel so bad. my dad and his family like dunt have a good relation ship and my dads brother still lives with my grandpa and its all messed up n there alwayz moving and stuff n i feel so bad fer my dad cuz like i think he wants to help them but he hates them for a lot of things theyve done. n the really creepy thing is that yesterday my grandpa randomly called my house to talk to my dad.. n like they barley ever call.. n then like a few hours later he was in the hospital. werid. but everythings fine now i think i just felt really bad also fer like ben and matt and tyler and everyone who i was supposed to meet at the movies escpically ben cuz i think he thinks i made up an excuse when i said that about my grandpa but its so was true ah i dunt even know i hope he doesnt like hate me now .
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it's good that he's ok.
Hey lexi i have a question for you, what is your last name? I have a friend named lexi and that would be cool if you where who i thought you were
Is your last name olson???
fine then....i don't know about you but I like girls not guys...are you like that??? Cause Its always been my dream to fuck a girl.