its that time again

Feeling: flummoxed
well everyone, its that time again. summer has come to an end (boo!). i still dont understand what makes the summer go by so fast. during the school year, three months feels like 3 years. anyway, i was gonna try to remember all the good times ive had this summer but theres way to many to count. this was by far the greatest summer ive had. this is starting to sound alot like the last entry i made but thats ok. im sure none of you are reading this anyway. my mom is so lame! she is making me effin clean today! what a bizzchotch. i guess thats what happens when your mom doesnt like you and she has mullet. well anyways, i want to thank all of my friends for all the good times we've had in the past few months and i love you all to peices.
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well im reading this! so maybe i'll see you at school even though we dont have german more fun paul, how will i survive german??
i love you to pieces too! lol..aww ...sorry about your mommy..and yea the summer always seems to go by a lot faster than the school year..*sighs* oh well..this is my last year/ YAY! tootles baby
woo we have german together, too bad i don't sit anywhere near you and our class is dead silent everyday. haha oh well. bye.