hot damn mmmhmm!

Feeling: exuberant
hot damn! today was effin great. school was...well school. but i was in a pretty good mood all day. today right after school i went over to this girls house to ask her to homecoming. lol i sat in front of her house in a giant cardboard box with flowers and whatnot, while my freind brittany went up and rang the doorbell and then ran away. it was pretty awesome. it wouldve been more awesome if her dog didnt run out and attack the effin box and almost knock me over. but you know. she said yes (of course) so everything went fine. then i went and did a little riding with chris and ryan. good times, good times. hope everyone elses day was just as fantastic...
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hey i want to go riding with you next time. call me up next time you do. im glad you asked thast girl and your day went good man.
Dude thats awesome u had the guts to do something like that!!
yay!!!! thats so exciting and cute. yay for her too. cuz she gets you as a date! :D.

go paul!
Awesome! That is so awesome!! Go you!
hah theres no way i could EVER hate kami. shes my favorite person in the whole world.
hahahhaha aaaaaawwwwwww i wish a guy would do that for me *cries* lol thats so cute..and i want a HUG..i didnt know about this national hug day [even tho u made it up] lol..and you have my dress do ya?..maybe you can give it to me so i can save money =) hehe ttyl babez
aww thats soo cute!! yay paul!
