


love always,
i read some of your entries (no i'm not a creep just bored) and i decided you seem kinda cool. and i like your tattoo ideas. so i added you to my friends list. go ahead and add me if you don't think i'm too creepy.
i like the feet..i think but i also liek the thinger at the bottom..mayb u can get the feet sittign on sumtihng..yeah.
im diggin the second one more
nice diary btw
Well i think you look pretty good in that picture ;]
I like your hair, i think its really cute :]
without feet...NEwho...regarding your comment on STRiPESandS0X...I wasn't breaking up with him...we were never going out...♥Arik [makebelieve]
what up paul face...i cant wait to see these finished ..its going to be awesome

i like the 2 one. its diffrent. isnt the point of tattoos to express yourself? and to have somting that no one else has? so get the 2 one
What does it mean?? Why are griffins so special to you?
you had sadness for breakfast?..hmm thats hott i guess.:]
thanks for the tatoo idea now i am goin to get them on my shoulder blades
the one w/ the feet.

awesome, dick.

those tattoos suck
why would you get a griffin?? get a tribal or something.. lol, but its your bod.. i guess.. lol
i like that

ahh, camp can be fun... luckily that was just a dream, because i would hate going to a camp where they were trying to kill me.

what a sweetheart ha
what a sweetheart ha
thats hott ha
griffin with feet
remember when sitdiary was cool? yeah and then there was myspace
do it power man 500 kicks some ass