66,000 mph

Listening to: this runs through
dont take advantage of me. ill kick your ass. she did, and i ruined her shit. take credit for what you do/say. ill kick your ass for that too. ps i did really bad this semester. good thing i dont really care right now, that would suck if i did. pps dont go to the same party as your drunk ex lady freind. she'll kick your ass.
Read 9 comments
good advice.
especially the last line.
i'll be sure to remember that.
or maybe mike should.
either way.

yeah dude. ex lady friends get pissed. what ever.
Lol. Nice last pps.

hhmm, nice diary. leave me one. ~lex~
is that you in the left corner?
umm actually youre really hott. lol.
you are so welcome :)
haha thats cause i'll the pics on my computer arent recent! gosh. lol. well i'm adding you to my friends, u should add me as well
you seem kinda down... dont worry, my grades suck too. and atleast she didn't try to tare your balls off with her bare hands.. i've heard of ex gfs doing that to their ex bfs when they are drunk... so just be glad that didn't happen. and by the way, it's pss, not pps... just thought i would le tyou know. do you have aim?
