what are YOU thankful for?

Feeling: full
holy crap. i am sooo ridiculously full. i gained like 27 lbs tonight. i ate enough food to feed a small country for like a month. why does food have to be so good and stuff? so...what am i thankful for this year? life friends family (sometimes) food my bike music girls (most of the time) lol my uncles dog lily and... CRANBERRY SAUCE! who in their right mind doesnt like cranberry sauce?
Read 11 comments
omg i love cranberry sauce!!!!! but i don't like stuffing that much..i don't know why but i never have!!

oh im so proud of you paul...you made an entry! good job. even though i like had to make you haha...but you made a very nice entry.

oh im so full!!
im gonna barf all over you and then you can eat it and gain more weight.

Happy ThanksgivingPpaul!
i dont belive i have ever tried cranberry sauce...im assuming its good?
i dont like cranberry sauce paul!!! but i indeed dooo love you with alllll my heart!!!! stay cute
i dont like cranberry sauce not at all!!!
i love cranberry sauce!!!! u wanna know what iu am thankful for i am thankful for paul!!!! yes that i am i heart you 4x the amount of ppl on the planet!!
depends on WHAT kind of cranberry sauce.

can shapped - not so good but not thanksgiving with out it.

the actual kind with berry chunks - its tasty, but just cuz you have it doesnt mean its thanksgiving.

thanksgiving is all about gaining weight. so GOOD FOR YOU!

hope your having a wonderful holiday weekend!
I was thinking. How would you describe a sauce? I always thought it was a liquid you put on top of stuff. Well then how come cranberry sauce is a solid in the shape of a can?????? I don't fucking get it! O well. It's good.
i dont like it.

but i DO like you.

i heart you paul
gotta love that cranberry sauce. and bikes. bikes are good.