if we dont stand up for something we'll fall for everything

Listening to: thrice - trust
Feeling: cheery
hey buddies. sorry i havent updated in a few days. the title doesnt really have anything to do with my entry but i thought it was bad ass. so i used it. yesterday i woke up at the ungodly hour of 6 in the morning to go ride f-town with chris, ryan, and rich. later we went and shredded some street. rich the enforcer is bomb-diggity. tonight im spending the night at chris' with eddie and ryan and were all waking up at like 5 to go break into the empty community pool and ride that shit. tons of excitement for that. ive decided its definitaly time for a new lady freind. any offers...? p.s. drama can fucking die
Read 15 comments
ride the community pool..definetly more exciting then my life, wish i could go with ya... well just wanted to say hey...later
lol how many times has"the real 50 cent" been shot well just one and i hope it is the last
hmm..i saw your comment on 50 cent person and decided to check your page out...i wish my life was exciting as yours sounds lol.. drama sucks. i'm glad i dont have to deal with the petty shit at school. i get enough from home
hey...so uh... im guessing if u read this then u didn't get arrested after all...heh. lucky lucky...ne ways...ur right..they will always be assholes.. and yea i wish u could help to, but its cool...im outta here in a few years. well ne ways good luck on findin that lady friend...later
I'm sure your shredding the pool/street somewhere right now. I'm sorry I was an ass last night. I love you Paul...
yes it can
if you were my dream boy i'd never wake up.
alright, you seem amazingly awesome. i saw the mosh thing on active users and was all "oh, a mosher, that's cool." then you had the donnie darko quote. and then you were listening to thrice and had that awesome picture of the bikes. you are one cool kid
Bomb-diggity......what a great word.
man, if i broke into a community pool, i would probably go skinny dipping. that would be great. maybe a quest a little. yeah, that's always fun
drama sucks...

and you seem pretty coool ;D

donnie darko = fabulous movie

haha, maybe this is secretly a donnie darko cult. *shrugg* thatd be pretty amazing.

hahaha but thank you.
hahaha. YES.

"everybody welcome to the DONNIE DARKO CULT. this is were you get lost in time"

maybe thats why im always on this thing...? possibilitly..i think so.
happy half birthday paul with no middle name!!
You have no middle name? Me neither. cool. Sounds like ur havin fun. awesome.

...hickory dickory dock tickoty tock tickoty a little bit of the diggity dock diggity mixed with a little bit of the jiggit ja jicket
with a small pinch of biggie
look @ me
i'm just the bomb diggity...
Eminem represent. :) haha

Have a nice day.