
So I was coming home from work and pulling into my neighborhood and there were two SUV's blocking my house and these "gangsta" guys were walking around on my driveway and yard so I went down by Ivy's house and watched them. I decided to call my mom b/c she was home, but I finally came home and one SUV left and I pulled into "my spot" but was blocked by my parents, this other set of parents, two gangsta ppl, and this kid sitting in my grass. My mom motioned me to pull into the other side, but it ends up that the guys were in the cornfield egging cars going by, but the SUV that was still at my house and the other sets of parents were one car that they were all throwing stuff at. So the sherriff came and stuff and the ppl ended up leaving since their baby was in their car crying and the kid, Frasier, lost his shoe..hehe. but umm....kenzie called and was like "what's going on at your house?!?!" b/c she was really good friends with Frasier and she saw him sitting on my yard and then her, corey, and jen came to my house and rang the door bell and came in and we told them what the sherriff was saying and stuff and I was like "well, I wanna go back outside" and they were like "oh, me too!" so we go outside and then WABAM, there are three guys on the median, four guys on my driveway sitting down with a sherriff, and this other truck with john and lanie...lanie ran up to us and was like "what happened?!?!" and man, it's crazy!! but all of kenzies friends were involved and stuff! but kenzie and her friends who weren't involved left, and 6 boys got picked up but one is still outside (it's been like 2 hours) waiting for his parents...but they all have to go to court and stuff and have the stuff on their permanent record and now they are "in the system" and, how were your guys' evenings?
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sooo it's been ten years since I've last posted....okay, at least it seems like that long. hmm...what's happened since last time... I went to the coroners office for anatomy, I got along with my boss at work, I had a few serious talks with several various ppl, I've been keeping up in school, I asked my mom what this stuff was in the fridge that looked like crap and she said it was her chili, I've been put down, I've been put on a pedestal, I've aced all my vocab quizzes, I found out michael stunson was in my pre-k class, I've become obsessed with bows, i got new pink bed sheets, I understand when ppl say something to me in spanish, I've been jealous of someone, I've had a long, serious, deep convo with my dad, my dad decided he's gonna finally get surgery for his ear problem, but he's still really freaked out about it, my gas tank is half full and the last time I filled it was not last sunday, but the one before it (todays wednesday), i got awesome ringtones for my phone!!, and beau's gonna be on the news in a sec, so I'm gonna go
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sick day

So I went home at 9:40 today from school....I have to leave for work in about 2 minutes and I still feel like crap but since it's a friday night, I would feel horrible for calling in...I dunno...I guess I'll go and if I get feeling worse then I'll ask to go home. I love the rain!!! Oh man, Love it love it love it love it! mk, I guess I'll go
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Man, I haven't blogged in a looong time!! lets see.....I went for florida....I got yelled/cussed at by JB at work and it made me cry infront of everyone, but everyone was so sweet about it and then JB came up and apologized to me and then again the next 90 days are up.....I've been hanging out with Abby and Danielle recently which is really cool since it used to be awkward with Danielle and I both being there....and yeah Today I got a Resin Filling thing adn the doc gave me the shot right before he started working, so my face wasnt numb yet so it hurt realllllly bad!!! I started crying!! and then the woman dropped this straight metal cylinder down my throat on accident and made me gag but then she yanked it out and goes "Oh, Hunny! I am sooo sorry!!" and the doc goes "OMG are you allright?!?!?!" lol....but yeah.... but then kenzie called and asked me to take her out for lunch and I kept biting on my lip without knowing it becasue it was so numb that I made it bleed...but I told kenzie I couldn't feel anything and she goes "What do you mean?" and I said "Well, like, I can't feel anything like when I pinch my face or anythig" and kenzie pinched my face, but it was on the wrong side (the side that wasn't numb) and it hurt so bad! lol..... but last night, I went over to Danielles and then took her to dairy queen where we met her mom, dad, grandpa, brother, abby, Evan (danielles boyfriend), and carl to eat....and then Evan, Andrew (danielles brother), Carl, Abby, Danielle, and I went to target and messed around for a while but then we went back to Evans house and picked up Lindsey (his sister) and drove around....but then we wnet back to danielles and abby was going to drive me to my car when she realized tha tshe locked her keys in her evan drove me back to my car and was dramatic but anyway...I have to finish cleaning my house for my parents (shh, it's a surprise)
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model citizen monday night....i was setting drinks down at a table of four men.....and I leaned over too far and spilled a sweet tea ALL over the, it was absolutely insane!! it was all over the place! I felt so bad b/c it soaked this old mans hat....but he goes "it's all right, hunny" but I still felt bad.....then I tried to charge this woman for her water....which is free...but yeah....oh, this guy the other day was sitting by himself and I brought the food out to him and he goes "Thanks, love"...creepy man....OH, and yesterday, there was this couple there that was COMPLETELY stoned out of their mind! it was so funny, though. but ew, I went over to their table with their food and he was nibbling on her ear and she had her head facing the ceiling with her eyes clothes and growning (sp?)...but yeah..... so sam got a job at shylers, danielle got a job at shylers, this new girl, Alyssa, is working there too, and Jessica came of new ppl...but I obviously like sam, danielle is pretty cool, jessica was always fun before, and alyssa seems sorta stand-offish, but marysa said shes nice, so yeah...we'll just see. I spent the night at kenzies last night and we were watching pocohontas and oh man, Wiggins was just cracking us up! that movie is so funny..but she bought corey this $65 cologne for his bday and let me smell it...and oh. my. gosh. that stuff smells absolutely amazing!! I really want a dachshund...I've been looking them up online and theres this one named Tazman that is a "Sanctuary Dog" which means if you email them with a good enough reason to why you should get the dog, they'll give him to you for free and since he's either 12 or 14, that'd be perfect b/c a main concern with my parents right now is that I will be going off to college and they'll be stuck taking care of a dog that they didn't want in the first place...but yeah. I was like "BUT MAMA!" and I got the nice "don't 'but mama' me young lady" was awesome. but then I said "what if I don't go anywhere for college?" "Oh, Hunny, you are GOING to college!!" and I said "no, that's not what I mean, I mean what if I go to UE or USI and live in the house...then I could take care of him" and she goes "um, no, b/c you're going far away for college...your dad and I took a vote...and you lost"...such a lovely was cracking up though. I work at 5 today...hmm....its 3:20...I have a lot of time to kill.....I think I'm on non smoking and kenzies on smoking and alyssa is floating between sides, but jessica is starting today, so I dunno if I'm gonna expedite or if she is or what...hmm...I hope I do, though!! so I bought this cover for my phone, and I couldn't figure out how to put it on, but apparently you take out these squishy things and then you unscrew the screws but I can't find a screwdriver that small....and I've tried knives and stuff, but none of them are working....blah. man, my eye is buggin me so feels like an eye lash is bent the wrong way and touching my eye ball....anyway....... I'm gonna go get clothes together to take to florida, i guess, since we are leaving soon.....but yeah
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fathers day

well, I got up and gave dad his fathers day gifts...showered....went to church....went to work home. I'm starting to worry about my sunday, as we were going to church (i might've told you this, but if I did, I'm gonna tell it again), my dad was reading Dan Quail quotes and one was "something something blah blah just one word...and that one word is 'to be prepared'" and then my dad said "...'to be prepared'...haha, and he said it was 'one word'" and my mom goes, "oh my gosh, haha, four words" implying that 'to be prepared' was four my dad and I just kinda looked at her and I said, "umm....try 3 words, mom"...but today, I wrote her a note on the back of my notes during church "what time should I leave?" b/c I had to be at work by 12 and church didn't really get over til 12 and I needed to change and she wrote "well.....5 mintues to change + 5 minutes to get there + 5 extra minutes = leave at 11:40" and I looked at her, leaned over to my dad, wrote "wouldn't I want to leave at 11:45?" and he just started to was really funny....but anyway.... Christy and i got to go on break together today and we went to Fazolis and she got this strawberry banana smoothie thing and I got this lemon icee was good...but that girl absolutely cracks me up!!! anyway...later on, jennifer (hostess one) came up to me at about 9 and said that she thought kelly was fired b/c all her shifts were circled (meaning they needed to be picked up) and then we told Autumn and Christy and they were sooo but Jennifer (manager one) is the person that fires ppl because, according to whitney, she "has no disregard for ppls feelings and can fire them like that *snap with fingers*" I asked her if kelly got fired and she kept playing mind games with me by saying "kelly who?" -"kelly malin" ~"oh, did she leave?" - "well, shes not here" ~"oh, hmm....why would you think she got fired?" -"b/c all her shifts are circled" ~"oh" and she just kept asking questions but finally said "well, i guess she left before I could...i was going to...but since shes gone....hmm" but then the phone rang so she had to pick it up.. but as Christy and I were leaving, she passed by us and I said "hey jennifer....I dunno if you're allowed to tell me, but why did she get fired?" and apparently she isn't allowed to tell me, but its one of thsoe things that if I guess right, she can tell me "yeah, thats why" but Christy and I kept guessing, but couldn't get it right.....but she said it was something she did tonight that made them wanna fire her...hmmm.... but anyway....sam has an interview tomorrow at 4...exciting stuff!!!! well, I'm gonna go spend time with my dad
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remembering the good ole days

yes, I'm fantastic! up and worked 11-4....went home...went back to shylers to talk to shawn/JB and get an app...then I went to the mall with sam...ran into almeta and ashleigh....had sam fill out the app....went back to shylers....went home....went to angel mounds for the Eureka-Rama....went home....went to kohls...went home....saw kenzies new I am. yeah, I went in to ask shawn and JB if they were still hiring bussers b/c sam wants a job and heres the convo: Me: I was wondering if you are still hiring bussers? JB: why, do you want a job? Shawn: haha Me: haha, no, are you? Shawn: yeah, why? Me: Well, I have a friend... Shawn: YOU HAVE FRIENDS?! JB: No, Shawn, she said she has A friend Me: haha, okay, well I have this friend that wants a job here Shawn: is it that patrick guy? Me: no, it's should I just give her an application? JB: well yeah, have her fill it out, but we need to have an interview...have her come in monday afternoon Me: Alright...thanks guys (exiting office) Shawn: HEY, what happened? Me: (turning around) what do you mean? JB: he means what happened to your skirt? Me: What? Shawn: What, did your mom cut down the curtains and make you a skirt? Me: ....Haha, very funny shawn...shut up Tracy: they are so mean, aren't they? was funny b/c I NEVER talk to JB and I only tlak to shawn every now and then, but they were really cool! but about my skirt...the ends are all differnet lengths...thats why they were being stupid and stuff.... but as I was leaving, I asked Jamie (the hostess at the time) if I could have an application and she goes, "Why, you already work here?" and then Dee was like "oh, do you want a job?" I was like "yeah, I think I'd enjoy this job" and whenever I brought it back, they were all saying "oh, do you think you got it?!" was funny... but ANYWAY... remember back a few months whenever that drunk guy ran into that teachers apartment and put her into a coma? well....that girl, Jennifer, is my moms best friends cousin....but ANYWAY...they had this thing down at angel mounds today to raise money for her hospital bills or something...but anyway...after work, I went over there and saw all my moms hilarious friends, and also my 1st-3rd grade teacher, Mr. R....well, his real name is Mr. Ridenhour...but he has everyone call him Mr. R because it's easier....but oh man... when I was in his class...way back when.... every friday we would have "Mr. Science Person" come visit was really Mr. R dressing up in glasses and a coat..but anyway....he had this huge story about how he was a little kid from antartica and had a pet penguin...and he would do science experiments and stuff and have us do them too...gosh, I loved his class....but anyway, we would always say he was mr science person and, as a little boy in his class now said tonight, "You're mr. science person, Mr. R!!" and he would always deny it....tonight, he was all dressed up in 'mr science person clothing' and then he wnet into the ice cream truck and changed clotehs and came out and this kid goes "You're mr science person!!" And mr R said "well, no, it was so weird! I was getting icecream, adn I saw him in there, but he disappeared!" and then he brought out his science coat and said "and look....all thats left is his coat...I guess the rest shriveled up!" lol...he absolutely cracks me up!!! but he came up to me the first time and goes, "LAUREN PACK.....LAUREN ELIZABETH PACK....OH...MY....GOSH!" and just stood there. was so funny! but he used to call 3 of us third grade girls "old ladies" since at the time, montessori only went up to third grade, and then he said, "Man, I used to call you an old lady, but now you're a really old lady....and so pretty! I remember, you used to have your hair perfect for picture day!" lol. he's so energetic and crazy...but he loves kids so much, it's amazing watching him....but we were standing there talking and this little boy (the one that was all like "you're mr science person") came up and mentioned something else about it and I said, "ya know what? in my class, we would try to stick tape on your shoe to see if when you came back, it was still you or not" and he goes "I remember that....oh, you had a clever class....didn't you try post it notes, too?" "haha, yup!!"...oh, I could go ON AND ON about how great of a teacher he is..but I'll refrain....anywho... natalie, my moms best friends daughter, came up to me and goes, "HEY LAUREN!" but it scared the crap outta me so I kinda jumped back and later on my mom was like "Lauren, i think natalie was going to hug you, but you pulled away"...i feel rude I'm gonna go
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and then...

I get up at 7 and go to the YMCA with alison...then we go to her house nad lay in the pool til 2...then I come home and shower...then I go to work at 4 and was expediting with Whitney and Christy....then, Ashley gets fired!...then Abbys friend, Danielle, gets a job at good ole shilohs....then Christy and I have to stay late to finish bussing....then I get my $256.13 check....then I get my 8-4 changed to 11-4 and my friday shift taken!...and then I come home and talk to SAAAAM whos back from camp... and here I am
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10 hours of never-ending torture

I had NO fun whatsoever last that I've got that out of the way.. I needed to be at work at 11, which means leave my house at about 10-15 til 11....Ashleigh pushed me over in the bed and said, "You have ten minutes"..and usually ppl say "you have ten minutes til you need to leave"...but no, she meant "you have ten minutes til you need to be there" I lay there a little longer, realize what time it actually is, run downstairs and get my clothes, put my contacts in, brush my hair, brush my teeth, put on deoderant, put on my shoes, and am out the door at 10:59....definitely clocked in at 11:02! oooh yeah! sure, I'm still late, but still... so I was scheduled to work 11-4 on smoking side with Steve floating and abby on non smoking....then kyle calls in and no one can work his I volunteer b/c he was scheduled to expedite, which is better than bussing, so I work for him...he was definitely scheduled til close....I was like, "um, I don't have to work til close, do I?" and so marlas like, "oh, no hunny, you can leave at 8!" so then 7 rolls around and she's like "oh, well we're busier than I thought we'd be, so You're gonna have to stay later" so I ended up clocking out at 9...bleh. on smoking side, this guy was smoking a cigar....bleh, the smell was absolutely disgusting and it lingered on an hour after he left....d.i.s.g.u.s.t.i.n.g! but anyway....wiping down walls is the most ridiculous thing in the time consuming!! but anyway, I'm gonna go b.c I have to work 5-close tomorrow, 8-4 saturday, and 11-4 sunday, and possibly monday, but they haven't put up the schedules yet....but oh well...big pay check
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thank you

A big "thank you" goes out to Russ for coming over and mowing my yard for me today!'re awesome!! welp, I need to go get ready for work
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The Smart Thinking Game

so the other day I found these brain teaser card things that have either riddles or pictures and puzzle things that really test your mind, but so I've been going through those and I found this one that says: "Uncle Alec's will read that the two remaining heirs, Polly and William, must stage a horse race, and the family inheritance would go to the heir that owned the LOSING horse. The trainer speculated that with these rules, the race might never end. But the art of the deal ran deep in the family veins, and between them Polly and William managed to agree on a plan that would ensure a good, sportsmanlike race. What plan did they decide on to accomplish this task?" so they accomplished it "by switching horses bc with the rules, each rider would need to beat the mount that was ridden by the other heir in order to collect the inheritance. Remember here that the will refers to the OWNER of the losing horse, not the rider of the losing horse". so I went down to my mom and asked her to figure it out, but instead of polly and william, I said that her and gary (her brother) were fighting over the family fortune...but she goes, "gary and I are fighting over $10?" lol....but I was like "so, how'd you accomplish this task?" and she goes, "easy, LP, I take all the should know me better than that" was funny sam and I people watched again today....saw ALL THE PPL that sam a bunch of hot guys!! lol "sam...oh man" "what?" "you'll see" *sits for a while, glances over at the hottness* "oooh!"
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Listening to: the fan
Feeling: awake
so on friday night, sam and I went out to the mall for a long time, then to wesselmans and took pics of this annoying kid b/c he kept saying "Take a picture of me!!!!" but we also got some pics of this adorable little boy! aww, he was so cute! but then we went to cicis pizza and then to see ms congeniality 2 which was absolutely hilariuos! sandra bullocks boobs were fake in the movie b/c she was pretending to be an old woman...n/m...but then this woman behind us goes, "ah, her booobs!!!!" and then right after that, they fix them in the movie, was weird...but i got home nad I could not fall asleep for anything and I had to go to work 8-4 saturday whcih sucked.... but so I got up...went to work, had to listen to abby go on about going to the she called me after I got home and said that Jess and her were going and Jess said that I was "hilarious" and that she'd "love to have me go with them"...that made me feel special...but I drove over to abbys and jessica took us (in her camaro...that was fun to ride in) to her moms work to get that mini van and then we went to starlite. the whole way there, we put in all these old CD's like the first NOW CD and backstreet boys and nysnc and britney spears and betwitched and was so fun. once we got there, Jess made me hide in the back of the van...that wasn't fun....but then we figure that we can take the seats out of the back of the van and sit htem on the I ended up actually sitting in a normal chair, abby sat on a seat from the van, and jessica laid down in the van....we saw the longest yard...pretty funny. while we were in line for food, this girl was standing REALLY close to abby nad she had a lighter and kept making it light over and over and we thought she was going to set her on fire...i guess you just had to be there. Jessica wants her job back at shylers....I really hope they give it to her...she was so much fun to hang out with last night! but so we get back to abbys...jess leaves....and abby was lk "I wish I could stay at your leave at like 7:58 and clock in at 8...i leave at 7:30 and clock in at 8:05" so she ended up coming over to my house adn spending the night...but we got up this morning for work...i went and took a shower...then she did....and my parents didn't know she was over or anythjing, but abby came into the bathroom and goes, "your mom just waved at me....I think she knows I'm here now" but infact, she thought abby was me b/c we were both wearing our teal shirts and our hear in towels adn stuff....but yeah, so my parents didn't even notice until tongiht they were like "so why'd you leave so early? did u go meet abby at mcdonalds or something?" "no, abby was with me" "what?" "abby spent the night" "no she didn't" "yeah, she came into your room this morning and said bye and you said 'what?!' and she said bye and you said bye back" "oh...well, I don't remember"...but yeah, it was funny I talked to Ashleigh today....she was like, "so, what have you been up to?" and I was like, "eh, work, the drive in" "THE DRIVE IN?! YOU WENT TO THE DRIVE IN?!" "yeah" "with who?" "Jessica Gunn and abby" "awww, lauren, you hung out! I'm so proud!" made me laugh shylers was so hot today!! it was absolutely ridiculous!!! everyone was sweating so bad and then they all started getting in fights and oh was just awful! but scott, the manager on duty, noticed eveyrone fighting and he goes, "EVERYONE!!! IT'S THE HEAT!! DON'T LET IT GET TO YOU!!!" and abby was out in the dining room when this happened nad she came back in and was like, "hey scott, the table I was taking food to compliained b/c of your yelling!" so he got introuble..... jennifer's cracking down on every 2 seconds the kitchen hears "WHITNEY, WATCH IT!" lol..its funny kenzie, fred, deedee, and steve came into shylers to eat today! fred was like, "LP!! HOW ARE YOU?!?!?!" kid I also saw kathy dropping off kenzie for was so wierd...I saw mackenzie, whtiney, kathy, and fred today!! the whole family!! uh, my mom just came in and said that she could "hear my typing and it was distrubing" her, so i gotta get off the computer....she's like, "Lauren, I have to be at work in 4 hours...i need sleep!" lol...but anyway, I'm gonna go
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DESCRIBE YOUR.. > [ x ] Wallet -umm aeropostale tan thing that never closes b/c I have too much change > [ x ] Hairbrush - which one? I have a green one, a small pink one, a small purple one, a black and white one, a silver and black one, and a purple one > [ x ] Toothbrush - whcih one?, a pink one, a green one, a purpulish one, and a silver one > [ x ] Jewellery worn daily - my usual ring, the ring sam and i bought, earrings in my second holes in my ears, the necklace almeta got me, and my bracelet that i ALWAYS wear > [ x ] Pillow cover- white...exciting, I know > [ x ] Blanket - umm....have a ton > [ x ] Coffee cup - bleh, hate coffee > [ x ] Sunglasses - I have my "kick-a**" ones (as whitney refers to them) and my pink ones..but I never wear any > [ x ] Underwear - blue and yellow > [ x ] Favourite shirt - prolly my kayak one..haha > [ x ] Cologne/Perfume - it's usually cool water > [ x ] CD in stereo right now - Carmen practice CD, Gloria practice CD, Alanis Morrisette, Sister Act 2, Lauryn Hill > [ x ] Tattoos - none > [ x ] Piercing - ears > [ x ] What you are wearing now - sofee shorts and my shylers shirt > [ x ] In my mouth - sprite > [ x ] In my head - mariah careys new song..haha..we were playing it at work > [ x ] Wishing - I will get up earlier tomorrow and get to do something with Sam > [ x ] Fetishes - umm...none that I can think of > [ x ] If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? - hmm....decisions, decisions, I mena, I know you shouldn't kill...BUT, morgan...that girl made my kindergarten miserable...glad I don't hold grudges > [ x ] Person you wish you could see right now- mackenzie, pierce, J and K > [ x ] Is next you right now- umm, the love seat, my sprite, a phone, a digital camera, a light, a beanie baby goose named Georgette... > [ x ] Some of your favourite movies - now and then, ms congeniality, ms congeniality 2, runaway bride, all those chick flicks! > [ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month - working more...I actually enjoy it > [ x ] The last thing you ate - cinnamon toast > [ x ] Something that you are deathly afraid of - spiders!! drowning > [ x ] Do you like candles - yeah > [ x ] Do you like incense - sure > [ x ] Do you like the taste of blood - hmm > [ x ] Do you believe in love - yes > [ x ] Do you believe in soul mates - sure > [ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight - dunno > [ x ] Do you believe in Heaven - yes > [ x ] Do you believe in God - yes > [ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die - I don't really care b/c it won't concern me, but for my family's sake, I spose just a regular funeral n stuff > [ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be - I've always wanted a zebra...that'd be awesome! but I'd definitely settle for a weiner dog > [ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up - 7am...haha > [ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks - I miserably failed at that > [ x ] What's your favourite coin - I'd have to say the dime...b/c it's even smaller (in my opinion) than the penny, but its worth, I'm stupid > [ x ] What are some of your favourite candies - hot tamales > [ x ] What's something that you wish people would understand - i just like tshirts > [ x ] What's something you wish you could understand better - teachers...haha > [ x ] Who is someone that you really wish was still around - Allison...Ashley so I saw Andrew Bransassee (or however you spell it) at shylers today and he IM-ed me and I started talking about his server, Bill, who apparetnly gave andrew his number....bleh, he creeps me we're having this huge convo about sam, i love're better off
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Let emotions a river

So I just finished watching an episode of Roseanne....and Darlene was just laying around on the couch all day and the stuff that Roseanne was saying to Darlene was some of the exact same stuff my mom has been saying to me recently and the stuff Darlene was saying was some of the stuff that I have been telling my was so uncanny....and it just blew me away how similar that show was to my life/situation right now...I actually started crying!'ve never....hmm....too similar I was just sitting there imagining my mom and me on the tv screen instead of Roseanne and Darlene...the same misunderstandings about drugs and friends, that's not me at all...I have the best friends and absolutely hate drugs of any kinds....why can't she just understand that sometimes I wanna be left alone? I can never just sit on the couch for a day without being given the third degree....she says shes "building trust" with me, but I see no trust whatsoever! All she ever does is question my actions and judge my friends and my clothes and my hair and the jewelry I wear and the shoes I wear and the movies I watch...uh, I'm just sick of it! One day she said that I didn't do anything when I am home by myself, so I responded with "I helped Kenzie mow her yard"...which I was going to do and was planning to do once she needed it mowed, but okay, it was a lie and I understand that...but it's not like I lied about something extremely important, right? But so she's all like, "Why are you constantly lying to me?!?! Is it the people you hang out with?" "No! I haven't even been out of this house in 3 days! I don't really 'hang out' with anyone!" "Well, you went out with Sam the other day!"....exactly, 3 days ago I went out to shop with someone thats my shoot me?! But then the other night, we were sitting watching TV and she's like "Lauren, do you know what kinda ppl always wear t-shirts?" "what?!" "Lesbians wear t-shirts all the time....they're called dykes....Lauren, are you gay?" "NO MOM, I'M NOT GAY! HOW COULD YOU THINK THAT?!" "Well, you are always wearing t-shirts" "So anyone who wears t-shirts is automatically gay?!" "No, your dad found love notes" "What kinda love notes? I don't have any lesbian love notes!!!" "Well, he's just worried" OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!! Uhhhhhhhhh, it makes me so mad! they can't even trust me when I tell them things....I'm not gay...just because I haven't had a boyfriend for a while doesn't mean I'm not interested...I'm shy about stuff like takes me a while, I don't take after any bad influences...since ya know, all my friends are druggies who hate church and God and stuff....NOT! I have the most spiritual, good influence friends, why can't they just understand that?! I'm sitting here in absolute tears, streaming down my cheeks, thinking about how untrusting they are of absoltuely makes me sick! downright sick! IT IS RIDICULOUS absolutely ridiculous.... I need sleep
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well, I just woke up by falling off the couch...scariest way to wake up if you ask me. recap: ~tuesday: kenzie and I mowed the yard ~wednesday: went to Alison's surprise bday party during which Almeta had a seizure and we all went to the hospital....scary stuff ~thursday: i don't really remember ~friday: cleaned all my rooms and washed whitneys clothes for ~saturday: worked 8-4, grandparents came into town, went to cork and cleaver and coldstone and showed them around ~sunday: worked 8-4, went out with sam to target, walmart, culvers, and price park ~monday: slept til about 2...went to hacienda with my parents, worked 5 to close, had a nice, long talk with pretty jennifer, got to know Christy more and more ~tuesday: layed on the chair and a half til about 2:30, took a shower, went back to the chair and a half til my mom got home at 6 and made me get the trash cans in from outside, then layed on the chair and a half until about 9:30 when kenzie brought over corey, but then went back and layed on the couch til I just fell off it about 30 minutes ago yup
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What kinda girl are you?

You're like me! The intelligent loner. You're shyat times but friendly, and you are never weakand always independent. You are incrediblyintelligent (wise beyond your years) and have atalent for many things (sports, music, art).You have a kind and warm personality and enjoythe simple things. Like hanging out withfriends and watching movies at home. But you'resometimes quiet nature makes you a bit of anoutcast and a mystery to people. No matter howpretty you are or smart or athletic, you justcan't seem to break into the crowd and benoticed. Don't worry, try to be more outgoingand speak out when you have more to say. Don'thide behind your books and sports and computer,get out there and get noticed. You also havedeep desires in life and feel vunerable andalone at times. Don't feel sad either, Whathelps me to express feelings and dreams that Ican't say to people, is through my writting.Maybe you should try. What kind of girl are you? (with pix!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Luca Luca Luca name

Listening to: My iPod
Feeling: copacetic
okay, backtracking.....gotta love it so last saturday I went to Gary and Judy's house for Luca's 'welcome to america' party...I called a few ppl seeing if they would be willing to attend it with me, but everyone was I reluctantly got in the car and went... I got there, thinking that kenzie and whitney should be there so it wouldn't be so extremely terrible, but no, they never show up. the only other person besides me that was younger than 36 were these two girls, Madison and Mackenzie, who were 10 and 8 but they were just being little girls and playing around and chasing eachother and stuff and I was staying up on the porch and following my mom around the whole night... so my mom and I sit down at a table and Tonya (my cousin...she's the one thats 36) joins us a few minutes later...then Madison and Mackenzie come up and ask to sit by we're all sitting around talking and Tonya starts asking Madison and Mackenzie about their dad who apparently was into drugs really bad and stuff and they lived in a trailor with him, but he got hauled off to jail and then their mom started going out with this guy who "has gross tattoos and piercings everywhere who is mean to [Madison and Mackenzie]" and then Tonya, mama, and Madison got up from the table and I was talking to Mackenzie and she said, "Yeah, I never told anyone, but when I was about Madisons age, my mom started throwing me against the wall a really hurt for a while, but you get used to it". OMG, it was so sad! and these girls are so cute! but anyway, Tonya, mama, and Madison joined Mackenzie and I again and then JR (Tonyas real dad) came over and Mackenzie gave him a mean look because he always tickles her and she said, "Hey, you better watch it, Mister", it was cute! but then Tonya looks at JR and said, "Haha, was it this one *pointing to Mackenzie* that said that to you...remember?" JR: "Yeah, that was Mackenzie" Tonya: "You prolly don't remember what you said to him a few years ago, do you Mackenzie?" Mackenzie: "'d I say?" Tonya: "Mk, well, it was a quite few years were prolly 6...but JR was bugging you and you turned around to him and said, 'If you don't stop, I'll beat the sh*t outta you!'" and mama and I just started busting out laughing, madison looked absolutely shocked that her sis said that, and Mackenzie was like, "no i didn't...did i?" oh my gosh, it was soo funny!!! Madison goes, "UMM, I'm gonna tell grandpa" and Tonya goes, "Hunny, your grandpa doesn't give a sh*t" and then covers her mouth quickly and Madison goes, "ummmmmmmmm!!!" kids but later on that night, I was giving madison and mackenzie piggyback rides and pulling them in a wagon and Mackenzie kept asking all these questions about me...she looked at my ring on my middle finger and goes, "Are you married?" "No" "Then why do you have a ring?" "Well, that's not my ring finger" "do you have a boyfriend?" "no" "you need a life" "excuse me..why do you say that?" "b/c you don't have a boyfriend" "do you have a boyfriend?" "no" "oh, well you need a life" "WHAT?! I have a life, thanks" are so hypocritical. and if I had madison on my back, mackenzie would take madisons shoes and madison would be like, "OH, run Lauren!!! RUNN!!!" and I can hardly run normally...but with 60 extra lbs on my back...wasn't pretty...and mackenzie goes, "You should be thanking us...we're giving you a work out" I was like, "Thats for sure" and Mackenzie goes, "Thats for d*mn sure.....I heard Tonya say that"...glad Tonyas a good influence.... but later on, I was pulling them in the wagon away from the bonfire and Madison pulled Mackenzies hair and for some reason Mackenzie said the word 'testicle' and Madison goes, "What's that?!" and Mackenzie said, "It's a guys....thing...down there" and Madison goes, "Lauren, do you know what a testicle is?" "Yes, Madison" "Oh, what is it?" "uh..hmm.....Mackenzie was right" and mackenzie goes, "I KNEW IT!" lol..funny girls man, yesterday was "every-hot-guy-go-to-the-mall" day...shooooweeee uh, it's hot in our house....I think I'm gonna go over to cindy's house to swim....yay! bye
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Listening to: abbys mom
oh absolutely cracked me up today!! I went to the pit room to help abby bag this morning...and DeeDee was back there and abby was playing this "gangsta music" and we kept asking him what the words/phrases goes, "D, whats 'crunk'?" but she overpronounced every letter so it was more like, "K-RRR-UHH-NN-K" and he goes, "haha, I'm sure june bug over here knows..." i was like "nope" and he goes, "you and your friends don't go and get crunk on crunk juice all the time?" I was like, "...I don't think so" haha, I just called abbys mom to ask her to tell abby that tuesday would be a good day to, just relaying a message...ya know? and she goes, "WEll, you girls can just do whatever you don't need to call for abby...i love you girls and trust you....that sounds fine" and hung, I've never even met her mom...but oh well.... uh, I need to go meet sam and B&N right now but I have lots more to write about Luca's party and work...bye
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aaand yeah

( ) smoked a cigarette ( ) smoked a cigar ( ) made out with a member of the same sex ( ) been in love ( ) been dumped ( ) shoplifted ( ) been fired ( ) been in a fist fight ( ) snuck out of my parent's house (x) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back ( ) been arrested ( ) made out with a stranger (sorta) gone on a blind date (x) lied to a friend ( ) had a crush on a teacher ( ) skipped school ( ) slept with a co-worker (x) seen someone die ( ) been to Canada ( ) been to Mexico (x) been on a plane ( ) thrown up in a bar ( ) (purposely) set a part of myself on fire (eh, yeah, thanks to rachel) eaten sushi (hah, on kenzies hill in her back yard) been snowboarding ( ) met someone in person from myspace ( ) been hxc dancing at a show ( ) been in an abusive relationship (to kill pain, yes) taken painkillers (x) love someone or miss someone right now (all the time) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by (x) made a snow angel (x) had a tea party (x) flown a kite (x) built a sand castle (x) gone puddle jumping (x) played dress up (x) jumped into a pile of leaves (x) gone sledding (x) cheated while playing a game (x) been lonely (x) fallen asleep at work/school ( ) used a fake id (x) watched the sun set (yeah, while in an elevator in middle school) felt an earthquake (x) touched a snake (x) slept beneath the stars (x) been tickled (sorta) been robbed (x) been misunderstood (x) pet a reindeer/goat (x) won a contest (oops) ran a red light ( ) been suspended from school (x) been in a car accident (x) had braces (x) felt like an outcast ( ) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night (ALL THE TIME!!) had deja vu (good times!!) danced in the moonlight (x) hated the way you look (sorta) witnessed a crime ( ) pole danced (x) questioned your heart (x) been obsessed with post-it notes (x) squished barefoot through the mud (x) been lost (x) gotten a 4.0 on a report card ( ) been to the opposite side of the country (x) swam in the ocean (x) felt like dying (x) been responsible for your sports team to win (x) been responsible for your sports team to lose (x) cried yourself to sleep ( ) played cops and robbers (x) recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers (well, everyone that I know...including my dads weird side...*shutters*) hugged EVERY member of your family (x) sung karaoke (x) paid for a meal with only coins (x) done something you told yourself you wouldn't (x) made prank phone calls (x) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose (x) caught a snowflake on your tongue (x) danced in the rain (x) written a letter to Santa Claus ( ) been kissed under a mistletoe (x) watched the sun set with someone you care about (x) blown bubbles ( ) made a bonfire on the beach ( crashed a party (haha!! I try) gone rollerskating (x) had a wish come true ( ) humped a monkey ( ) worn pearls (it was a small bridge...) jumped off a bridge ( ) ate dog/cat food ( ) told a complete stranger you loved them ( ) kissed a mirror (all the time) sang in the shower ( ) have a little black dress (x) had a dream that you married someone (x) been trusted by your parents (x) broken your parents trust (x) love your parents ( ) glued your hand to something (no, it was clearly a bball pole) got your tongue stuck to a flag pole (x) kissed a fish (x) worn the opposite sexes clothes (I was the mascot...does that count?..."they don't make an eagle bathroom") been a cheerleader (x) sat on a roof top (x) screamed at the top of your lungs (x) screamed at the top of your lungs while sitting on a roof top (attempted) done a one-handed cartwheel (x) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours (x) stayed up all night (x) liked a guy your friend liked (x) been set up (try 5 days...wasn't quite 7) didn't take a shower for a week (x) pick and ate an apple right off the tree (while watching out for cornfield killers, yes) climbed a tree ( ) had a tree house/club house (sometimes) are scared to watch scary movies alone ( ) believe in ghosts (x) have more then 30 pairs of shoes ( ) worn a really ugly outfit just to see what others say ( ) gone streaking ( ) played ding-dong-ditch (x) gone to church ( ) played chicken (x) been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on (x) been told you're hot by a complete stranger (x) broken a bone (x) fixed a computer (x) helped your parents with their work ( ) caught a fish then ate it (x) caught a butterfly (x) laughed so hard you cried (x) cried so hard you laughed (x) mooned/flashed someone (x) had someone moon/flash you (x) cheated on a test (x) have a Britney Spears CD (x) forgotten someone's name ( ) slept naked (x) French braided someones hair ( ) gone skinny dippin in a pool
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