Miss Saigon

Listening to: mom
man, we just got back from seeing Miss Saigon...very good singers. The lead girls role, Kim, was superb...I was completely blown away...the leading male was very tuned into his pitch...wow. I went with Mama and some of her friends (sounds corny, right? but they are awesome)...there were two other sophomores there that go to central, and also a girl that just graduated college....and for some reason, Laura (one that just graduated) and Natalie (Laura's sis) knew a lot about me! It was actually quite scary....like, they knew what school I go to, what grade, what I wanted for Christmas...ahh. but mama and I were playing jokes on Karen (this friend of moms) and it was absolutely hilarious!! and Laura reminded me of my cousin Jenny, Natalie reminded me of my cousin Kayla, and Karen reminded me of my aunt Kathy...crazy. but I'm beat...night
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