
Listening to: TV behind me
Feeling: worthless
Man, soo much has gone on recently! Shannon came over Sunday night and Almeta called and begged to come over so we let her..ha. I really don't feel like writing it all out but this is what Shannon put in her blog: 9:15pm - So, I went over to LP's house last night. We played a trick (which wasn't too successful) on Almeta when she called Lauren's cell. Then, we spent the next half an hour listening to Almeta beg to come over. EVENTUALLY she bribed her way in. We raided the chocolate oranges (well, Almeta and I did, anyway), then were going to watch a movie. Almeta proceeded to beg us not to watch Hannibal, and Lauren and I eventually gave in. So we settled with Adaptation instead. --Seeing the baby's head pop out of a vagina threw us off, but we watched anyway (eep) [some of the movie, at least], and right before we went to sleep, LP and I stuck Hannibal in. Well, all that is fun and all..but the adventure REALLY starts in the AM after we've all woken up. Almeta called her mom to tell her that they weren't going to work. Almeta and I both hint that we want pancakes until Lauren finally gets up to go to the kitchen with us. So...pancakes...you think they'd be easy..right? WRONG. It's the easy kind- Hungry Jack. "Just add water" Well, the directions say it should be lumpy, but the batter was runny instead...so we threw in more mix. Then to even it out, more water. This continued for about 10 minutes. Finally, we're ready for pancakes. I pour a little batter into a skillet. Then the three of us all stand there and watch it bubble. ..bubble.. ..bubble.. SO....finally it's time to flip the pancake.. Behold, my magnificent first pancake (at Lauren's house): -When the card can upload, I'll put the perfect p-cake pic on here =)- So, the other side turned out more like a burned cracker. That was unfortunate, but we tried again. And again, and again. Pancake after pancake we ruin, either by drying it out or making it soggy. I even attempted a mickey mouse. Again, side 1 was okay, side 2: disastrous. We got a few good ones (granted..they were LP's and had to be recooked to dry them out a little more). So, that is my breakfast story. Past that, we just rode bikes to Washington Square Mall (*whispers* michael...MICHAEL -ducks down on escalator-) Then the Dollar Tree (a lot of 3 items for $1 deals!!!!) Then a stalking spree of Man Purse. This all ended where we started: Lauren's house. And now I am going to add stuff to Shannon's story that I think were fun or funny or significant in any way: before we all started watching movies, I wanted some chocolate milk, so i went into the kitchen and we were all standing around my kitchen just laughing for about a half an hour...just laughing! everynow and then we could make a short word inbetween breaths, but besides that...no talking...just laughing. it was awesome! then I made Shannon and Almeta watch Kenzie's school play...they enjoyed that...ha! AND YES, MY PANCAKES WERE A-W-E-S-O-M-E!! just ask anyone! Shannon made a perfect one...well at least half was perfect. the bottom was just like a cracker...I've never seen anything like it...it was soo odd! then we set out on a quest for bikes. granted i had one...but we needed 2 more..unless i was going to tote (sp?) one of them. so we got kenzies bike and went to one of her neighbors houses and asked for this kid and were like "umm...can we borrow your bike?" keep in mind that he doens't even really know us. and then he said, "....WHY?!?!" rude...anyway... and shannon and almeta almost got us killed while crossing roads like maniacs!! haha, sorry bout that, girls! but we would've had to wait 10 years to cross. but we didn't die...too many times. and as we were going down washington, almeta hit a trash can...shannon and i were in front of her and we hear this *thud* and look back and she had hit it...funny! this was punch-bug day or something! it was craaazy! and cars with "just married" on their cars...so almeta and i decided we're gonna get a punch bug that says "Just Married" so we will be extra cool! AND, i couldn't eat all day long...haha! i had to go to the doctor for my regular check up....AHHHHHHH! i got 2 shots...one for tetnus (sp?) and also my hemoglobin (amount of iron in blood) was checked....and man did that hurt!! lol....so now i have a bandaid on my right-hand ring-finger nad on my shoulder. but i got a sticker that said "Be Nice to Me" then has a bandaid in the middle that says "OUCH" and at the bottom it says "I Got a SHOT Today" and all of that is infront of a heart! I put it on my computer! It's just lovely!! and then i went over to kenzies....oh man! i just really hope.....n/m. I'm not gonna say whats oging on....number one: it'd be 10,435 years long and number 2: well....it's personal? i guess. but yeah, just everyone keep my cousins family in your prayers...please. Thanks to all of you who were there for me tonight to talk about stuff...i luv you all!
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And I Love You =] hehe- j.k.
hey your diary is so cute! how did u get the mouse trail? leave me a comment